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eating or drinking makes sense. theres nothing to eat or drink in the barracks. plenty of places to sit and sleep though. Ryan is Ike's creation though so I will wait to see what he has to say about this anomaly

Edited by lupicatalum
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You can give him some food and drink, either using his CM menu or the console ("additem 3365d 1" will give him an apple, "additem b1202 1" will give him a brewski).

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Ryan does not carry any food or drink item with him, right. If you don't have any food and drink items in your inventory, you could use the player.additem command to get some, and then let's make an experiment:


put these items somewhere in your barracks, and then make Ryan re-join your party (since you used the break-up command on him), and give him the order to find these things. If Ryan has his eating or drinking packages on, as soon as he detects them will go to pick them. If he does not, you can give him the order to search for ingredients.


Storm here, Connection bad. I'll stand my site as hard as I can.



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They will wander in search for food and drink until the eat or drink package runs out of time. If while it's on they happen to find the dining room (NPCs detection radius is quite big, I don't exactly know how big it is, but they can detect food and drink from quite afar), they will pick the item, then go to the nearest sitting place to eat or drink it, or stay standing, seemingly randomly.


You can set the destination point for each AI package on the AI tab for your Companion character. For example, you want each one of the soldiers you put there go to eat in a precise chair in a precise table of the dining room. You can do that. No matter where they are or what they are doing in the moment the eating package fires, they will go to the dining room, to their table and their chair, provided that they are in the same cell.



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Unless you specifically make some CMs for the place, any CMs that a player brings in with them will stay in whatever cell they are left in with the Stay or Breakup command. NPCs will only traverse cell boundaries that require a load door if they have a package that directs them to (like Ike's example directing them to a specific chair or specific cell to eat, sleep etc) or a script doing the same. They won't starve to death without food or die from lack of sleep, even if they have packages that want them to eat or sleep.

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Player Companions do wander around and can get lost, indeed. And Striker is wrong about not crossing loading doors: Ryan does it all the time and he has no AI conditions nor scripts that force him to do so, and I explicitly remember Alroy entering the Castle Bruma barracks (located in a separate cell) to sleep (by the way, Striker, it was Alroy, not Ryan, who unsuccessfully tried to impress the Carvain chick). One day, I went to Castle Bruma for the Pale Pass Quest, and as soon as we entered the Great Hall, Cethlenn's Practice Archery fired on. She headed without hesitation to the Barracks door, entered the cell and started to practice there. I don't know why she didn't simply start practicing in the very Great Hall.


This is why there are the Partner Rings in CM partners: no matter how much care you put on your pathgrid, Companions left on their own can get lost. And while not usual, they definitely can cross loading doors without an scripted motive.




PS: sorry if I sound grumpy. Headache. I like the ambient of stormy nights, but the atmospheric pressure gives me the headaches. Besides that I am grumpy by nature.

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