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I had OBSE installed the first time around with no results. I gave myself a fresh Oblivion install about a half hour ago. thats why its taking a bit of time

Edit: Nevermind. I am an idiot and didnt read that right. CONSTRUCTION SET Extender. okay. I understand now.....I think

Edited by lupicatalum
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Ike got a little excited there ... he meant install Construction Set Extender (I believe) but in his defense CSE does require OBSE.

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Be careful about OBSE installation. You must follow to the letter the instructions, especially if you are under Steam.


By the way, the latest version of the CSE made mi CS crash on startup. If you find out that yours too, revert to the previous version, but first, try with the latest one (don't forgot to install the requirements even if you have newer versions of the NET framework or whatever made my CS crash on startup. I simply did not want the hassle to install more dependencies, since the previous version worked great for me).



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Doublepost to counter-attack Striker's ninjapost:


yep, sorry, I meant the Construction Set Extender, but yes, the CSE requires OBSE to be already installed and running.



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Do either of you know the value in the construction set to turn the age slider all the way down for npcs?

And appareently how to stop the CS from crashing horribly whenever I try to edit a face?

Edit: Value is 15. Cannot save without crashing

Edited by lupicatalum
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Your CS crash constantly when editing faces or saving? Oh, old memories of my pre-CSE times you bring!


You DO need the CSE.




PS: if using the Seamless Bodies, Faces and Equipment, DO NOT SET THE AGE SLIDER ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 15. Leave it at 16 or the game engine will fail to apply the correct agemaps.

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I think there is also something about plugging in a microphone that is supposed to help stop the CS crash, but I can't recall if that was crashing when editing faces or something else.

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CS Extended doesnt have squat for a readme and I am lost. I see a landscape editor and thats it

Edit: Yup. Definitely lost. Ive tried running this thing standalone, with construction set, with both run through OBSE. Nothing. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by lupicatalum
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