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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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Probably a stupid question but how do you use a modders resource i.e. this tileset? I copied the textures and meshes to their respective folders but they arent showing up in my CSE


Edit: nevermind. I think I got it

Edited by lupicatalum
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You need to do either of two things:


A) Use the tileset example esp as a master for your mod, then the pieces will show in your Object Window list in the CS.

B) Create new pieces inside your mod, without using the tileset example esp as a master. To do so, load only your mod (Active File), and in the Object Window -- Static -- right click on the Editor ID list -- New.


Put a distinctive ID to your new object (if you don't, the ID will automatically pick the mesh filename), then click the Add NIF file -- Select Asset on Disk -- navigate where the AC TIleset meshes are stored, select one -- Open.


Do not check the Quest Item flag, it's not for architecture statics (unless you want your whole interior be a quest item, of course).


Once back to the new static mini-window, click OK.


Your new tile will show up in the first place in the EditorId list. Right-click it -- Preview to see if it shows correctly.


Repeat until all the tiles are created inside your mod, with no dependency on the AC TIleset esp.





Edited by IkeCoast
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What? You managed to add ALL the tiles without the CS bursting in flames? SAVE RIGHT NOW, HURRY!


You don't need to redo all that, the reason to save every time you add a new tile is to be sure you don't lose your work if your CSE CTDs you in the face.



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