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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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But... but that's not normal. That goes against the Laws of Nature. Your CSE should have badly crashed after the first batch of five or six tiles added.


That's sorcery, necromancy. Wait here while I prepare the pyre to burn you, you witch!


However, once you start to add the tiles to your interior cell to build your Vault, save as often as you can.



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If I was creating mannequins out of people I'm certain that my uncle Fred wouldn't hold up his hand and say "Oh .. oh ... pick me!!" (and if I did the grandkids wouldn't want to be seen by me).

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You cannot storm here, put that "puppy face" asking "Guys, halp, do you know how to..." and then suddenly snap your fingers and "Forget it, just realized how to do it by myself", turn your back and leave us open-mouthed.


You're making us feel useless!



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Turn on the option to show the light radius in the CS (or CSE) and make sure your lights don't overlap. You can also turn off flicker and shadows to help lessen their FPS impact.


- Edit - If you want "the look" of lots of lights without the problems lots of lights bring use some of the fake lights in the place of their real lights equivalent.

Edited by Striker879
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The lag is unavoidable if you use so many real lamps instead of fake ones and ambient light. Do what Striker says, use a mix of ambient light and fake lamps to reduce the high resources demand.


I also would suggest to not placing two lamps one in front of the other. They look too close so they overlap and you can obtain the same amount of light with just one lamp, with higher light intensity.


A suggestion: try different shades of light colour, this will give the Vault a more pleasant and calming ambiance, without making it look like a cold warehouse.




PS: test in-game your lightning. The shaders on the CSE do not show the result as accurately as the shaders in-game.

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