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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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Too plain, uniform, bright and boring to me. I would put some shadows, some flashing green and magenta neon lights, a disco ball in the ceiling and lots of zebra skin carpets.


Now seriously, it looks good if you want to have a clear view of everything here, in that case the armors and weapons displayed in storage, but the overall effect is... artificial, cold.


However, before doing more changes to lighting, put some items, armor stands, weapon racks, to see how they look under the light. Most likely they look great now, and if you make further changes, the room itself could look well but not the items it contains.


Don't forget the zebra skin carpets.



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Okay. I created my own awesomesauce light source. I imported it into statics so it shouldnt move right? I bump into it and it falls through the floor....Any advice?


Edit: there is 2 parts. the base and the actual light source. the base is what falls through the floor

Edited by lupicatalum
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It was already in game. I took an ayleid statue and put it in static instead. I mad it 3 times its size, then I took the big red fire beam from an oblivion tower and made it .02 times its size. I did something different though. Ill show you in just a sec






Im in the process of adding clutter type stuff right now. there wont be too much though due to this just being the main hall

Edited by lupicatalum
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I find your lack of zebra fur carpets disturbing.


Other than that, I had almost forgotten how good looks this tileset, really. Think I will take the dust off the marble retexture I had started before being taken down by my treacherous lungs.


The lighting looks quite better now, more vivid and less boring.


I have been thinking about that "lamp" you created. After placing it in your Hall, did you hit the "F" key to position it in the ground? If not, it could have been left floating in the air, even if it looked right in the CS render window, so when in-game, its collision made it to fall and the floor did not stop it. Objects falling through the floor is a quite common occurrence in the game.


A warning: before adding clutter, set the pathgrid of your whole Vault. Even if you don't plan to have NPCs walking around, not pathgridding an interior cell is a mistake you shouldn't make.



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If you know you're not going to add a gazillion of things clutter, you can put your statics first, then pathgrid accordingly.


I usually pathgrid before, without going into much detail, then place my statics, and then fine-tune the pathgrid, deleting the nodes that fell under the statics or moving them to a more suitable location.


Don't go crazy about path nodes: the more the nodes is NOT the better.


TIP: once all the pathgrid is set, you can design a precise path to be the preferred one, the one NPCs will take by default when no AI package tells them to go running in circles waving their arms.



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