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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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My goodness, that Disco Spell is awesome!


No moar pix yet?




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Ohhhhhhhhhhh, me likes!


Your originally small and cozy Vault is turning into a whole citadel. Are you planning on publicly releasing it? I can help you with the permissions if you need to ask any.


I'm also doing some screencapping work for the Images section of the Nexus. Already published Ryan's one. Now the next.



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I definitely would like to eventually release it. I actually want to put it in Pale Pass. An earthquake shook the Jeralls and uncovered the long buried command citadel from the first Akaviri invasion. It was home to an elite battalion of Akaviri special forces and battle mages as well as the lieutenants and commanding General of the Akaviri Army. guess whos undead carcasses youre gonna have to clear out to make this citadel your own?


Ohhhhhhh I also have the back story for the mannequins. I did say elite Akaviri battle mages right? Captured Imperial prisoners of war put into suspended animation and forced to display the Akaviri's spoils of war for perpetuity.

Edited by lupicatalum
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This sounds totally epic and placing it at Pale Pass fits perfectly, it even combines with that Akaviri Quest Countess Carvain gives you.


Hmmmmmmmmm, most Undead are immune to Eel-Kisses. This promises to be interesting.



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Yeah but you dont want to come in here without a horde of companions or really powerful gear. ever seen a skeleton hero that is 10 times the normal size flanked by 15 or so normal skeleton heros? thats the commander and lieutenants. What about a giant nether lich with giant stats? this is gonna be fun



Anyone know of a Chefs hat resource lol. I want to make an Akaviri Hell's Cook with an enchanted meat cleaver lmao

If only it was possible to script it to lop off a random body part :P

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Hmmm, I think I'm not really sure about that thing with the "giants".


Rather than making them oversized and overpowered, what about fiddling with their AI and combat style? Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul has Skeletons that are highly intelligent and cunning, and battling them was equally funny and frustrating because most times they won.



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