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Oh, so the technical denomination for "pinching her buttcheecks from behind and nearly causing her a complete cardiovascular failure in their first encounter", besides "scaring the life out of her", is "toying with her emotions"?


Sorry, Lupis, hijacking your thread again.


But isn't Freckles lovely with that haircut?



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Future reference Ike. Just name the door somethin unidentifying. I Named the door going to the dining hall "dining hall". The door said "Dining hall to dining hall". renamed it to "Obsidian Door" and it works for everything. thank you for helping me through that though :smile:

Edit: Welcome back Striker. Im making progress

Edited by lupicatalum
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Funny, Lupis, I named my interior door "Door to the Abecean Sea" and the exterior "Gate to the Abysmer Outpost" and the names show exactly like that in-game. Shoulda check if I actually did that or something strange with them.


I'm going to bed now. This double facepalm (and being caught in the act by Commander StRIKER) left me out of juice.





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Yes Ike ... I've always thought Cethlenn was cute with her hair however she wanted it.


He did get a reaction didn't he ... and isn't anger and willingness to kill sort of emotion related (though probably not the reaction or emotions Ryan was aiming for), Recall way back he tried to impress Countess Narina Carvain (to no avail). He should get me to hook him up ... my girls are always willing and compliant (and seldom overdressed).


- Edit - Yes Lup, you've been a building machine in my absence. Looking good!


- Edit 2 - And sleep well Ike ... this is starting to take on a Walton's Mountainesqueness isn't it ... just waiting for the "Night Mary Ellen ...night John Boy".

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Talking about "willingness to kill", Ryan was lucky it was Phil who bathed in that pond and not Queen Dorma. Dorma wouldn't have chased him. She would have uprooted the nearest tree and thrown it at him.


Now to bed. Behave well you two.



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Mornin Fellas. Back to modding. I have a question for you both. Kitchen. Any advice for building?

Edit: I cant build this like a normal kitchen due to the tileset. there are no alcoves for fires

Huge Citadel. Huge Alcoves for fires. I think I may be able to get this so long as there isnt any major clipping issues


Edit again: Arent fires supposed to cause fire damage? how can I make it do that?I just stood on top of 4 jets of flame like it was room temperature


I should be quite crispy by now


It took me a while but I figured out the fire. scripts suck. Current problem though that I cant figure out. My dungeon. I have it built. I have 10 normal holding cells. There is only the one door type in the tileset though and it doesnt open normally. it only works to teleport to another cell. my issue is that the door is shaped differently than every other door. My problem then, is how to block off the cells. I tried using the arena gate as that fits wonderfully outside the door. It isnt a normal door though it is scripted. when I remove the script, the gate still doesnt raise and lower normally. Any Ideas?

Edited by lupicatalum
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Hey, Lupis!


Good you managed to find out that the fire damage is not embedded in the fire static itself, but scripted.


I don't know how the Arena gates work, and which one are you using. But, what about if you use the square Ayleid gates, the ones that open that same way, sliding down and up? They're under the Activator branch of the Object window tree. They need a switch to function (remember to place the switch in the outside of the gate, not in the inside. If a warden gets trapped inside the cell with an inmate, bad luck). That ayleid piece is big enough to fit here, and since it's a simple square, you can retexture it with the AC texture if you want.


You can create an alcove for the kitchen using the corridor (I don't remember the name) tile. Place it with one of its tips connecting with the entry/exit, and close the other tip with a static version of the "door" piece.




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