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Woher kommen Sie, Lupis? Nächten Mai fliege ich nach Leipzig. Dort werde ich leben und arbeiten.


Don't worry, I have the Facepalm Demotivational ready in case you were referring to a vacation trip and you actually can't speak German if your life depends on it.



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Oh, what a coincidence! That's exactly the only thing I know how to say in Japanese! Gomen nasai, watakushi NIhongo ga hanasemasen.


I'm moving to live and work in Germany. But first I must study. I won a scholarship to study German in the Leipzig EuroSchule Academy. Then I more or less have some work granted.



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By the way, looks like I'm the only of the three of us without a military services sheet. You were (or are) in the U.S.A.F. and Striker served at the Thermopylae.



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Not that I am aware of, other than the limit imposed by your computer strength. The more companions you have, the more stress on your computer. I have been able to run amok with eight companions, but my computer lagged a lot and eventually crashed when we entered a cell with a gang of marauders within.


And that sounded epic. I read your line with John Williams soundtrack.



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Oh, you meant the total amount of Companions present in game. As far as I know it's limitless, provided that they're not in your party ALL AT ONCE. Theoretically, you could have hundreds of Companions recruited and keep the majority of them stationed in HQ, bringing with you just a bunch of them.


I think 150 beds is enough for a simple Companions team. An army, on the other hand...



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