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Are you serious? Nobody would have a 3k Companions team assembled.




The idea of a total of 1500 beds in the Citadel is quite interesting. It improves immersion and gives a real feel of a CITADEL INTENDED FOR AN ARMY.


Your mod will be quite resources-demanding with so many accomodations. But I find the idea worth of trying. If you put each wing in separate cells, the stress on the game engine will be quite bearable.



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Each wing of 150 beds will be in a different cell


Also, this is just the soldiers barracks. there will also be many beds in a barracks in the battle mages tower


Do companions wander around anywhere that is pathgridded? if so, How do I go about keeping them out of the other wings? I dont want the player to have to wander for hours trying to find a companion in 10 wings and the whole rest of the freaking citadel! After all, This will quite possibly be the largest housing mod to ever hit Oblivion

Edited by lupicatalum
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The bigger the mod becomes, the more risky working on the CS becomes. Save often and better keep backups of your esp file in case the CS corrupts it. I've never met my CS nor CSE corrupting my esps, but it could happen.


Don't forget also the Officers Quarters. And some apartment for the eventual high-ranking officers on visit.



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Already have the plans in my head. I just need to figure out how to keep the extra wings off limits unless needed

Do companions cross cell doors without you leading them across them if they arent in your party?

Edited by lupicatalum
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Yep, they do. Supposedly, on CM Partners, if you order them to Stand Guard, they don't move from they were when you gave the command, but if an enemy enters their detection radius, they will move and once the thing is dead, they can start wandering.


If you tell them "Stay here" (that is, leave the Party but still being your Companions), they will wander around, cross doors and enter other cells.


You can use scripts to keep the extra wings off limits. I did it for my Abysmer Outpost. The entrance door is initially disabled, and the game only spawns that door if the PC is of the Abysmer Race.


We will go into it later, when you are satisfied with the Citadel. This will give me time to see how to adapt my script to your necessities.


However, I think there's no OBSE function to tell the game engine how many companions are on your Party, so let's think about other conditions for unlocking the extra wings. For instance, putting the keys to these wings in a Player-Owned container, Companions cannot open Player-owned containers. I THINK.



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Okay. We can move into scripting and stuff later. This citadel will be HUGE though so even if we script off the empty wings, the rest of the citadel will still cause a problem.

For sections companions have no business being in, what if I check off limits. will that keep companions out?


Never mind. That wont help. people are going to want to bring their companions to fight of the beasties to gain control of the place


............Unless having a companion in your party will overide the off limits tag?

Edited by lupicatalum
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The "Off Limits" flag makes the whole cell Private Property - No Trespassing, meaning that anyone, including the PC character, caught there will be automatically considered comitting a crime. I'm not sure if in that case, a Guard will automatically be spawned and arrest you, or if it needs an NPC to see you there. But then that NPC would be also commiting the same crime... let's forget about the Off Limits flag. We will think about how to set the conditions for the doors to be spawned or unlocked. The easiest way, of course, is setting them with a unpickable lock and requiring a key. But if the Companions the Player brings there find the key and they have an Unlock Doors AI package, they could unlock the door. Unlikely but possible. Best way would be creating a "silent Quest" so the PC must perform some action before the very key to the door is spawned.


But we will think about it later.



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Nothing as glamorous as that ... remember I'm an old retired guy. I have a full time job in the summer killing bugs such as mosquitoes, deer flies and stable flies along the North Channel of Lake Huron. I have internet access when I'm tied up at the marina, but even then there's so many things to do and so little time (four months of bliss followed by 8 months of waiting for the next 4 months of bliss ... such is the life of a retired old fart who also happens to be a sailor).

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I don't create followers, but the NPCs I add to the game don't cross cell boundaries (i.e from one interior cell to an adjoining interior cell) unless I use the console to make them follow. Haven't ever left one alone long enough in an exterior cell to say whether or not they'll cross exterior cell boundaries on their own or not.


I generally use "current location" packages these days so I can move them to whichever house I want them in without any rejigging in the CS (and I believe you'll want all your follower types to have default packages that are current location rather than editor location or specific reference location packages).


Were you thinking of using CMs or creating your own follower packages/scripts?

Edited by Striker879
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