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Xbox 360 or PC


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Do you like using mods, and being able to debug quests when they malfunction?


It's either that (PC) or just pretty graphics without any (VERY) cool mods (Xbox 360)


I say stick with the PC. Even if it isn't very good, there are many mods made and being made that will improve performance.

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the cost of an XBox 360 is the same as the cost of a top end graphics card. I think Graphics cards are overpriced.


To The Point: Xbox is more sociable, you have friends over lots of beers, food and a whole lot of friendly jeering of player abilities, unless you have a pc suite....Then again having all your mates watch you get your arse served up 4 time by your girlfriend playing "dead or alive 4" is very humbling.


PC is great because of mods, console commands for those annoying bugs...oh yeah theres also "0000000A 100" (its keys btw).


For Oblivion, I prefer PC

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With an XBox 360, you don't ever find yourself in the Technical Support Forum wondering how to optimize your graphics settings or fretting over why the game is so choppy and slow on your machine after spending hours tweaking everything around.


Problem is, part of that freedom is as much from the fact you can't fret or tweak over these issues as it is from a perceived lack of need for such help.

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I have Morrowind on Xbox. No mods suck.


If you have Oblivion and run it well, with the mods, then keep it that way, since its the best you can get. If you would have 60$ to sped tho (or was is 70$), you could buy it on Xbox 360 (assuming you have one) for the natural controler erhh control and the confort of a nice sofa and big TV. I hate playing video games with keyboard and mouse... Ding$ Ding$ PC controler.

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  • 2 years later...

PC. 100%.

Some people complain that its harder to play with a mouse and keyboard, but get the 360 controller..easy fix that cost you like...35 dollars, tops.

You get mods, you can make the graphics better, there's more cheats, options....its just all around better, in my opinion.

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