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Small Dwemer Mercenarie's Home


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for this request, i ask for a small home, a bunker in a sense, fully dwemer, yet not like the other's, im looking for a "Not so clean" look, i want a somewhat cramped yet still storage-able home, like an appartment for the "bad-ass" protagonist, a few small displays for some weapons, a single manikin for the best armor, if possible, could one make the manikin more of a broken dwemer droid in a sense, in the looks of attempts of repair were made but decided to just use him to hang you'r jacket upon, i request the specified manikin ONLY if it may be done, moving on, also a single person bed, stone preferred, not the luxury beds, to some it up, basically make it into a rundown underground apartment made from (Mostly) broken dwemer equipment (i add mostly as to the factor of, if this were just some house mod made from a ruin, then it wouldn't be as interesting!), as for the smaller details, i'm not too picky ("Too"...) so i'll let the creator choose as such, for location, i would prefer somewhere close to ground, even under a bridge would be good, i mean, this is supposed to be a form of bunker, so a hidden place would be great!

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