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Ideas Needed.


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I'm looking for ideas for premade opponents to fight in the arena in My Castle. Please post things you would like to fight here.




Theoretically there can be any number of opponents in one fight, but more than 5-6 might do nasty things to the framerate, so keep it small.




Try to suggest things that go well together. For example don't suggest a legion soldier and a bandit. Get the idea?




Number of slots is limited, so reply fast. Best ideas will make it into the arena.








PS: To keep it a surprise, I will not be telling which ideas I choose to use.

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I'd like to suggest having a few pumped up lower level critters. Like a giant crab. Or for something really hard, a giant mountain lion.


Also, try a trio of NPCs: A fighter, an archer, and a mage. That might prove challenging.


Might also want to try doing some massive free-for-all, with all sorts of creatures and NPCs. There just aren't enough large scale battles, and it would be rather fun to watch as well.


As for something themed, try having to fight a flame, frost, and storm atronachs at once.

Or having to fight in complete darkness (with no way of lighting the area).

Or having the area blinding bright.

And how about a Lich with like 3 - 5 skeleton guardians?

Or, having to fight a duplicate of yourself.


As for team battles, how about having two companions helping you fight something like a Titan Ogre from Hilarity? (Ok, that might be TOO powerful)

Or have 3 companions (a fighter, archer, and mage) fighting against 4 opponents (a fighter, archer, mage, and another of the pc's class specialization).


That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll post more when I think of them.



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have it like the colleseum, where tigers will come out of the floor during a match.



Ogre battles!! and Imps, I barely see the little buggers. :D



More team battles, just no skeletons and goblins.



oh, and question! will you be able to fight as well as watch.

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There will definately not be any skeletons or goblins.




Of course you will be able to fight. That's the whole point. The question is whether or not you will be able to watch other fights. Not quite sure on that yet.




All of these ideas are good, but as I said before, in the interests of keeping it a surprise I will not be posting opinions on any of them in particular.





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How about making one of the options a dynamically scripted opponent, each time you kill him, depending on how you killed him, he got stronger in that area. For instance, if you used fire magic when fighting, next time (and any future times) he would have higher fire resistance based on how often he was hit, and how much damage it did. Base stats could also be raised depending on situations. You could also add new abilities, spells, and such. It'd be hell to script, but could make things really interesting. Although eventually you'd end up with something practically invulnerable, but that's the fun of it.
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This is a shot in the dark but how about making a new plot line, after you've defeated the Gray Prince and your fame rises about say 30 you are challanged by a series of new usurpers. High level, powerful items, you could fit in quite a few.


Build the blue team, add new Gladiators to fight beside you in the Arena, add in the typical Archer, Warrior, and Battlemage variations. Also consider adding dialogue and personalities to them if you feel it's needed and adding a bit of good old Soap Opera drama between your new crew and that of the freshly re-constructed yellow team.

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I love the recruiting idea, where you pick out say 6 or 7 combatants to be on your side out of like 30.



the choice to be on either teams, a choice that was sorely needed in the original arena.



the ability to watch!!!!



arrow traps, and ground spike traps, people cheering you on.


Oh, and a big one, A LESS ANNOYING ANNOUNCER!!!



I will probably keep flooding you with ideas like... customizable uniforms!!!

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