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Different head color from body...


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Hey, Wee!


Here I am, fresh and alert.




Perused throug your session with Striker past night and looks like you survived unscathed. Yes, male textures being screwed-up after installing OCO v2 is what I expected. Remember, I told you not to install the Robert Male texture compatibility patch.


However, I have changed my mind. Download OCO's Robert Male Texture Compatibility Patch and install it.


The reason I initially told you to not install it is because we will overwrite the textures with the Seamless ones, BUT, the Seamless series does not include textures for Khajiit and Orcs, and I was planning to force you to install them separately. However, let's keep things as simple as possible, and install OCO's Roberts textures. Female textures should be screwed up also, but that's unimportant, between the Seamless and Ozmo's textures we will be served.


Let's recap what you did and the State of the Union here:



Blockhead: V

Robert Male Body Replacer: V

Robert Male Stock Clothing and Armors: V

EVE HGEC body: V

EVE HGEC Stock Clothing and Armors: V

Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.3: V


Some notes about wath you did: the optional head the Robert Male asked you to install was unnecessary. You have overwritten it with Nuska's head when installed OCO. Robert's head is a variation of the vanilla head, with the rigging modified to reduce neck seam. Nuska's head also have this rigging. Moreover, Nuska's head geometry is different, you wouldn't have OCO face geometry with Robert Head.


How many of EVE's esps you need depends on what you have installed in your game. The only one you need is the Clothing and Armors, as Striker informed. If you have the Shivering Isles and the Knights of the Nine official DLCS installed, then you need these two esps too. The Khajiit Fix is in the way, so drop it (it's the same as with Robert esp, OCO will take care of the changes implemented by it).


Leaving these esps active while installing OCO haves no effect. It's before you do the Archive Invalidation thing you need to be sure you have them inactive.


At this moment, install


Oblivion Character Overhaul Robert Male Body Textures Patch. You don't need to create an omod from it, since you already did with OCO's core package, and the reason to create an omod is so uninstallation is easier with it. Uninstalling OCO core's omod will also uninstall the Patch textures, so simply install them manually.


Now that you have all of the aforementioned warfare arsenal installed and active (or inactive as required), do the Archive Invalidation thing, launch your game and do what Striker told you: test everything for at least the complete Tutorial Dungeon and go to Vilverin and reduce its current population to exactly One (you).


TIP: Just before you are about to exit the Sewer at the end of the Tutorial, SAVE IN A NEW SLOT and keep this savegame safe. This way, you will not need to start again the whole Tutorial if you want to create a new character, change class, birthsign, whatever. You could use a Skip Tutorial or Alternate Beginnings mod, or just use the console to change race, sex, class and birthsign, but having a savegame just before the end of the Tutorial always comes handy.


Okay, so you have finished the Tutorial, ensured that you left NOTHING alive at Vilverin, OCO is working flawlessly (albeit with the Neck Seams), so we will continue the installation


To go:


Seamless Equipment, Robert Male version.

Seamless Equipment, HGEC version.

Seamless Heads, Nuska Edition.

Ozmo's HGEC High-Rez textures (optional).


Let's go.


Do you remember which Male Body option you chose for Robert Male Body? Yes? No? Sigh.


I use the Muscular Athletic variant for the default body (I change it for my PC via Blockhead, but you always need a default body installed). So, my choice, in the Seamless Equipment package, is MuscAth. We will take it as a reference. So, from the Seamless Equipment, we will take...


First, do not use Wrye Bash nor OBMM to install the Seamless Equipments. We don't want more omods in the way. Do exactly as I instruct here. Failure to blindly follow my instructions will grant you a Court Martial and most likely a firing squad, or at least being meaningly frowned at you.


Unpack the Seamless Equipment, Robert Male v5.2 CORE package. Locate the 005 Core Files - Musc with Pants and Musc Outfits folder. Select both Textures and Meshes folders it contains, RIGHT CLICK-COPY.


Now, in a new window of your Windows Explorer, navigate to your Main Oblivion installation directory, open the Data folder, make sure you can see the Meshes and Textures folders it contains, and RIGHT-CLICK in an empty spot there (or RIGHT-CLICK the very same Data folder) and PASTE. A warning popup will tell you "This location already contains a folder called Meshes, are you sure...", click YES TO ALL there and leave the rest to reach its natural conclusion.


Done? Good. Back to the Seamless Equipment package.


Decisions, decisions: are you ok with your males wearing underwear or you would prefer them going commando, with their... flags... twirling at the wind? If you prefer your manly attributes to be as free as Willy, that is, if you want the Nude version, locate the folder that contains the assets for your choice of body. In my case, it's the 010 MuscAth Body Nude folder. If you prefer wearing pants, that would be the 020 MuscAth - Add Pants (number or desired lingerie model). Either way, open the folder, RIGHT-CLICK the Meshes folder it contains, go to your Data folder and RIGHT-CLICK: PASTE there (again, the warning popup telling you about the presence of a Meshes folder there, YES TO ALL).


TIP: this is important: when manually installing something, if the Warning Popup does not jumps to your throat, you most likely are pasting in the wrong place. Double-check what you're doing.


Done that? Then go back to the Seamless Package and locate the folder containing the Stock Outfits addons for your body type. In my case, it's 015 Stock Outfits for MuscAth-SLAth-BrzDefined. There's a Meshes folder inside that folder. You know what to do with it. Don't hesitate, do it.


That's all about the body, stock clothes and armors meshes.


ASHAMED CONFESSION: you could have used Wrye Bash to install it, with a nice picture-guided wizard, but I think it's advisable you learn how to manually install things and that was a good opportunity to shove the basics down your esophagus. Yes, I know, I am a bad person despite my angelical beauty. Striker warned you. No whining now.


If you are using any or the following mods and overhauls:


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (incompatible with OCO)

Martigen's Monster Mod (dunno)

Francesco's Leveled Cretures (does such a thing exist?)

Armamentarium (I've been told it's OCO-friendly, but really don't know)

Artifacts (what's that supposed to be? Why do you never tell me things? Always keeping secrets from me! I want the divorce!)


you can find the Seamless patches for them in the Addons packages.


Let's focus our attention to the distaff side now.


Unpack the SE - HGEC Core package. Locate the folders corresponding to your body choice. When using HGEC, I use the EBE version, so in my case it would be the 10 EBE E-Cup Nude folder (I would prefer a version with the C-Cup buoyancy apparatus, but alas, there is none. Life is not fair, matey). It contains a Meshes folder. Copy-Paste you know where.


Do the same with the 15 Lowerbody EBE Nude (or underwear, but I will feel genuinely surprised if you choose the Underwear version... Even me, with my particular gastronomic tastes, always choose the nude female versions).


Now, repeat the procedure with the following folders:


20 Equipment Replacer Upperbody - EBE E-Cup

25 Equipment Replacer Lowerbody - EBE


That's all for the ladies.


Now, the Final Step, at last!


But first, we will go to pay our respects to Mother Nature.


*later, zipping his pants*


Unpack the SH-Nuska OCO v2 package. Take the Data folder it contains, and copy-paste it inside your Oblivion folder, overwriting the pre-existing Data folder there. This will install not only the Seam-mended head meshes, but also the seamless default body textures for Dark Elves, Dark Seducers, Dremoras, Golden Saints (and High Elves, they share this body and head texture), Imperials (shared by Bretons, Nords, Redguards and Wood Elves) and all the face textures. Note that this will not install textures for Argonians, Khajiit and Orcs. I was planning on forcing you to search and install them manually, but I decided to have pity on you, you poor little thing, so I changed my mind about installing the Robert Textures OCO patch.


This package also installs default HGEC female body and head textures, overwriting EVE's ones.


Right now, you don't need to do more. You have a completely functional OCO and Seamless Series installation, Robert Males and HGEC females, so... TEST IT. TEST IT RIGHT NOW. Make sure no weird things occur with your bodies and faces. Any strange thing you see, discoloration, disproportion, mass species extinction, report it here before doing anything silly to "correct" it. The only thing you are allowed to try to "correct" any issue before reporting here is re-running Archive Invalidation. Nothing else. Remember, I'm quite Court-Martial-Trigger easy.


If all looks correct, then you can ruin it by installing Ozmo's textures. But I don't recommend you to use its installer. Rather than that, I would unpack it, and manually choose and install the textures you want. I say this because I haven't got the faintest idea about if or how much Ozmo's installer would mess up and ruin your OCO and Seamless installation. Replacing your installed textures one by one sounds safer to me.


Well, matey, still alive?



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LOL ... Ike I just love it when you have unfettered time on your hands (i.e. when you know the :ninja: sleeps soundly at the Striker mansion).


WEE, if you look on the Ozmo's page you'll see the only thing it offers that Junkacc's textures don't is a variety of choices for nips and fur. Have a good look at Junkacc's textures before you decide whether or not you want to go Ozmo's. You always have the option down the road to use the features that come with Blockhead to change either your character's/any individual NPC's body shape or textures or any race's body shape or texture. It's as as simple as renaming some files and putting them in the correct folders.


- Edit - The same applies for males ... body shape and tackle can be individualized per NPC or race. There are fewer options available for body textures for Roberts male but some do exist.

Edited by Striker879
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Thanks, Striker. Now, let's start calling the nearest Hospitals because I suspect we will find Wee there, after suffering a severe cerebral aneurysm after the epic Russian saga I stamped against his skull. Poor child.



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**Wipes sweat off of face**


After all the headaches.. The advil.. and time.. I put into trying to get my characters perfect (or as perfect as possible), it finally Happened!


Not modding oblivion since 2009, I lacked in the resources I could use and was only using methods I KNEW about how to mod oblivion, which is pretty ancient, besides the fact that OBMM is still the best option to use when modding oblivion. *Why aren't my mods working, archiveInvalidation always works*, *Oh BSA redirection... hmm* New stuff. It was always there, just not the method I would choose.


I appreciate all the help you guys gave me, the dedication, and through descriptions of what, most likely, would be an extreme headache for me.


On an update, everything works perfect. Woke up this morning with a long description on what to do and just went with it.


I do use an alternate start mod, but I think, since I got everything running, I will resurrect an old experience I have had with Oblivion and play the story from the beginning.


I will be using these mods, tell me if any of them are safe to use, (they should be, just want to make sure).

  • Darnified UI
  • Apachii Goddess store
  • Midas Magic spells
  • KeyChain
  • Oblivion stutter remover

That's just some of the mods I'm doing at the moment.


I will NOT be using Ozmo's High Rez textures. I have everything working, I don't want a possible mess.


And yes, thanks to mothernature!

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Now if it was just "push one button and you're done" would it feel so good??


Only thing I see in your list is possibly the KeyChain mod. One of the guys I followed and listened to back when I got started (Hickory ... the Big Dog, hope you're well) would always try to dissuade people from that mod. I've never touched it, so I don't have any personal experience with it one way or another. I just keep most of the keys you collect in one or more of the many non-respawning jewelry boxes found throughout the game (but I'm also not big on having an "empty looking" inventory).


Which alt start are you using? I've gone old school with my current character and went MOE with Alive Kvatch, but I had already downloaded the old version of Kvatch Rebuilt that it requires before it was pulled in favour of the new Kvatch Rebuilt (there are still things to finish with the new one to be used as a pre-invasion Kvatch).

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Okay. Maybe I should stay away from that mod. I don't really use it anyways, it's just a feature I had there. I use the alternate start by ship mod. Here are my characters. I think they look great.

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Looks to me like you're ready for the big wide world.


- Edit - Arthmoor's alt start is on deck for my next character ... I want to try the shipwreck, start with almost nothing, need to swim ashore start. My MOE alt start you have the ship to use as a starter home/food source (I also use some other realism mods).

Edited by Striker879
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Wee, your characters don't show up here. You need to upload the images to the Inernet, and then use the Add Image button in the upper icons bar of the Editor, or attach them as external files from your computer using the Full Editor ("More Reply Options" button down here).


Darnified UI (I use the DarkUI Darn version) has collapsable item categories, so the Keychain (which is indeed pure poison, one of the worst scripted mods possible) is redundant.


Uh-Oh, new reply added, let's see.



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