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Dragon Priest or Vampire Lord Levitation


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Just to get it out of the way, This is in no way intended to be "TCL".


Dragon priest or Vampire lord levitation.

Maybe 1 ft off the ground. Not a game breaking fly mod thing.

Must be a master in at least one school of magic, and have cleared shalidor's maze. Just because.

As the mysteries of aetherius lay bare to you. You start to understand the magics used by the dragon priests so very long ago.

Not while concentrating, but a lesser power.

Consumes magicka. (or maybe not)



Just an idea, there are a few levitation mods out there, none that just do this though.


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If this could be made, it would also be really nice to have it like an add-on for the "dragon aspect" shout. Especially when using the draconian dragon aspect shout mod, which adds wings and a tail. So it could be even more dragon-like. levitating, with the added wings flapping up and down.

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There is a mod that adds flying to the Dragon Aspect shout.




This adds wings and a tail to the dragon aspect. It also Adds some powerful shouts but if you think they're op you can nerf them.


It has compatibilities with




Which will make the wings in the Dragon Aspect shout move


And also for




Which will allow you to fly if you use the Dragon Aspect shout.


So all in all these three mods completely overhaul how the Dragon Aspect looks and performs. Something that I thought was majorly disappointing in the vanilla DLC. Hope you guys find it interesting. As for the vampire lord levitate I'm sure it can be done but it's far beyond my understanding of the CK, hopefully someone will pick it up!

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