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"Summon Spirit Steed" spell


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Having to keep track of a horse who walks away when you get off him for five seconds is a huge pain in the butt...HUGE. What I would dearly love to see would be a "summon spirit steed" spell that summons a transparant horse (similar to the human looking ghosts in the game in appearance, just a horse instead). I think it would be cool if it appeared when the spell was cast, stayed as long as you rode it, but then vanished when you dismount. I wouldn't mind if the spell itself was pretty costly to acquire, but I'd prefer it if it cost no magicka to use as I have no mage characters. Of course, the spirit steed should be fast, but if you felt it should be slower than the black horses in game or Shadowmere to balance things out, i can understand that. I'd dearly love to see something like this done.
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This may not be what you were asking for, but...


If you want to keep your horses from wandering off, just delete their AI packages. Only reason they have these packages is to make them wander off...


On the same note, you could set their responsibility to zero, making them not report themselves. And you could make it as fast as you want, and as easy or hard to get as you wish...


Might not be a plug-and-play spirit steed, but this would just take you a few minutes in the CS and fix all your horseproblems.


Hope this helps.





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Feeling generous, I thought I'd help and started a "proof of concept", when I discovered the hitch...


Appearantly, mounting a horse with ghosteffect bugs out the player badly. If you do so naked, it will no longer show your underwear and hair. When doing so with something on, the player becomes completely translucent...


So helas, unless you or someone else knows a workaround for this, there is little I can do with this idea.





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Yes, the ghost effect is bugged. I tried that with my Spirit Wolf mod a couple of years ago, and it backfired because using the spell to turn the player into a ghost with the wolf (quest related) turned the player invisible as soon as you equipped a weapon or performed any kind of action. I also had to make the wolf a summoned creature for the same reason...ie he would fast travel with you etc, but would be invisible forever after. There's possibly a way around it via OBSE, but I can't be bothered with it. I spent too much time trying to find a way round the issue.


Anyway, to the main point. To create a spell to summon your horse take a look at my Creature Companion Tutorial. In post 3 you'll see a summon spell script and clear instructions on how to use it. In that particular instance I used an object to attach it to which gives you the spell when activated. But, you can also do it as shown in the 4th post where I added an updated companion script, or you could do it via a simple quest script.



That way you can leave the horse's packages as they are if you want to.

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Not exactly what the OP asked for but here's one I made.....



Purchase spell to summon a mount for 10 minutes. Isn't invisible, doesn't disappear when you dismount. Follows you real close if you walk. Can't go through doors but can be summoned anywhere.

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