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Just some ideas for mods


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Hello modding community,


I made this account just so I could ask this. First off let me say I cant mod, I dont know how you people work your magic but I myself as a gamer love the mods that have come from so many of you.

Now I just have some ideas for some mods.


I personally use and LOVE the OOO mod and the Myth and legends mod. Greater weapons, greater loot, awesome stuff. However as a rogue charactor that I play I have 2 bows that I use, one legendary bow from the Myth and Legends mod and one from the OOO mod. However the bows never seem to look as cool as some of the weapons and armor out there, the only real different in the bows are the colors or a slight change in the textures. Is it possible to make a bow or two that look bad ass for the different people weilding them. Such as, if a good char./ archer wanted a bow one could be gotten that looked liek a holy bow, made from some elven gems or what not. And that of a evil char, have the bow look like it was forged in the depts of Oblivion. Make the eye candy of the bows awesome so having them displayed in ones house as well as using it would be worth it.


Also there was a mod for morrowind that made small golden statues placed in caves and dungeons. WHy not make small golden statues of all the gods and place them in places where if you find them their worth is VERY high but handling them has a price ( good or bad if kept on the char) and lifting them from their spot brings forth the wrath of the god .


I dont know Im big on treasure to display and have from my adventures.

Anyways just ideas I couldnt ever make any of these myself. I rarely check here so if youd liek to contact me send me email @ [email protected]


Thnx for your time


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1 - Good/Evil theme-changing bows:

Possible, but you would have to make two different textures. Good idea, anyway!


2 - Golden Statues/GTA-style "hidden packages":

I think one has been made -- with t-shirts as presents. I'm not sure, though.

It would be a pretty easy mod to do, so I suggest some new modder who wanted some CS experience to do it. :)



They can be done -- and they're pretty easy. It would take 5-6 hours of texturing and statue-placing, though.

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As far as the good/evil weapons - here a basic outline of how to implement it once you have textures for the different stages.


Create a weapon in the CS for each stage with the appropriate stats and texture,

If you have only 3 stages - good, neutral, evil and the bow is supposed to be the same in all but look, you'll create three different 'Bow of Alignment' weapons.


Then write a script that compares your fame to your infamy every game day or so. If your fame is much greater than your infamy (say 30, for example), and you have the evil or neutral version, remove it and then add the good version. If the difference between them is less than 30, remove the good and evil and add the neutral version. If infamy is 30 or more above fame, remove the good and neutral and add the evil version to your inventory.


I believe there's an upgradeable quest items mod that works similarly. You might ask the author for permission to use his script as the basis for yours. (If it's not already given in the readme.) Just remember to give him due credit in your readme if he does.

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You would want this a quest script, running every five seconds or so. One game day is way too much.

You would also want to check wether the weapon is equipped or not. -- And delay the action if the player is attacking with it.

And find a way for sneaking it into the player's inventory without the "Neutral Bow added." messages?

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You would want this a quest script, running every five seconds or so. One game day is way too much.

You would also want to check wether the weapon is equipped or not. -- And delay the action if the player is attacking with it.

And find a way for sneaking it into the player's inventory without the "Neutral Bow added." messages?


I disagree. Every 5 second is significant if you want to keep it true to the 'alignment' precisely, but alignment is a shades of grey thing anyway. For something that has to be kept in check for game mechanics this matters. However, I'd argue that it's perfectly reasonably for the alignment to slide as much as 5 points either direction of the 30 I used in my example before correcting the bow. And since the bow woud not be changing much unless you had serious borderline issues, I'd argue the message to be very a minor issue. And possibly an effect you'd want.


If you disabled it, you'd definitely want to include reassigning the quickslot and equipping the new bow in the script. That would be preferable, but goes beyond the simply necessary for a first mod.


Of course, my suggestion of a game day is flawed if you apply a day length mod as well. However, as much as I like real time, I prefer having a province that's larger than the distance between my place and the grocery store, so I didn't really account for that. I'd still say once every 30-50 real life minutes is enough. Unless you are doing some serious good or evil, you won't change alignment fast enough for it to be significant.


However, your point on checking whether the player is attacking or not is definitely important. It might be awkward to have your bow snatched out of your hands right as the guard caught you murdering someone. In which case you really want to check combat state and see if any guards are coming for you as those would be more significant factors.


And of course, if this occurs a lot while the script is running, you may have an issue. You could run the script more often, spawn off a delay script, or force the change. I really wouldn't worry about that until you get a first version complete and have a better idea of what you would want to try. I'd rather knock down the regularity of a lot of the non-vital scripts in Oblivion and use a delay management script than have so many scripts running every 5 seconds. For one script it is not very significant to performance, and it is your first script. You can always try testing and seeing what seems to be a good medium delay time. Also, you may not care if the bow switches a lot on Borderline cases, which would drive me nuts. Take your pick.


Also, the more stages of the weapon you have, the more you'll want to check, since the chances increase of it jumping a stage.


Regardless of what you choose, you'll probably want to refine the script a bit after you've gotten a better idea what you're doing, so don't be afraid to write something that doesn't work quite how you like. The Construction Set Help Wiki has a very good list of the functions you can use in the script, too. Don't forget to use it to look up function details.

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