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REQ - New Firewood Chopping Mod


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There is 2 mods out there that do what I am asking sort of but they are not compatible with each other, you can either have 1 or the other, not both. They are:


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26116/? - Nonstop Firewood Chopping




http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11119/? - More Firewood Per Chop


What I would like to see is a mod that allows the firewood to be chopped non stop like the first mod, but also allows more firewood to be chopped as each upgrade is made on the Ax. For instance a normal Ax that has not been sharpened would have the ability to cut 2 wood at a time. When the Ax is sharpened at a grinding stone and is made into a Ax (fine) the ax chops 3 or 4 firewood per chop, the next upgrade at the grinding stone allows even more wood to be chopped. I am not saying like 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 etc... I am saying for each upgrade the ax gets, it chops 1 or 2 more firewood depending on how the creator of the mod wants to do it. But it should also keep the nonstop chopping part.... it makes me sick to have to restart the chopping after every 3 chops.


I wish I had the knowledge on how to make mods, but I don't and i have neither the patience nor skill required to do this so let me THANK whomever will do this for me beforehand.


Thank You

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Well a medium between what your looking for would be the Complete Crafting Overhaul mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49791/?) which among loads of other things allows you to tweak how much wood you get per chop and how many chops you want to take before stopping. This does not go indefinitely but you can go for a very long period, more then you could ever need for one project.


I don't think its very realistic for an ax to able to produce more than two pieces of wood from a single swing but hey its your game and if you want to defy basic physics then by all means go for it.

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It may not be realistic, but then hey... think about this....


There is vampires, werewolves, demon dogs, dragons, witches, mudcrabs, sabretooths, etc., etc. in the game and they are all realistic too..... (note my sarcasms).


I don't like the Complete Crafting Overhaul Mod. I tried it, didn't like it and uninstalled it, that is why I am requesting this mod here. Thanks for the reply though.

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