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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Jouko jumps out of the tree, "Blast another night and not one animal, I bet its the construction going on" He turns towards the site, "well guess ill walk up there today", he begins walking to the site all the time wondering why he is drawn to it.
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"Well, if we're going to be working together, I should clear up one thing, but it's only between us - I am a female." Krixox says. "I'm getting used to the assumption that I'm male, but I figure you'll find out sooner or later. I just find that I can get a lot more information if those around think I'm male." She pulls one of her braids off her face. "As far as the local area, I haven't been here that long myself. I arrived about a week ago from the Coroboron. There are some things going on that are a little hard to explain, but none of them impact the situation here."

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After a few hours, Linden gathers her weapons and takes her turn for the early watch. As the sun crests the eastern hills, she quietly does her morning devotions and then begins to prepare a meal (tea and porridge w/ bits of dried fruit). While that is simmering, she carefully calls to Alenee that dawn has come and breakfast will soon be ready. Looking over, she invites the guards over to break their fast with them.


"I'm interested to find out what's down that hole..." she thinks to herself.

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Linden's yell brings Alenee instantly back to reality. Only seconds later, she is standing pike in hand, scanning the area for targets. Finding nothing but breakfast, she relaxes and drops the weapon. "Sorry, old reflex... its not often I'm sleeping somewhere safe," she explains as she walks over. She pulls a package of food from her cloak, bread and well preserved meat. "So what do you say we do? Take a look for ourselves?" She takes a bite of her meal and waits for an answer.
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"I think we need to check out that hole. Originally, we were supposed to find out what is causing the disturbances in the area and report back to Bengt Reevelord. Now that this hole has been opened- by invisible miners or followers of Astanth or whomever - we have an obligation to check it out and follow through with whatever or who ever we find. That hole is not going to close itself up and we could leave the locals here in possibly greater danger if we leave it as is. I feel we should check it out and then let Reevelord know the situation."



(OOC - I'm glad I didn't shake you awake. I would have been skewered! :P )

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Linden, Alenee, and Jouko


Linden and Alenee


A figure approaches your camp. It is a human; tall, armed with exotic armor, sword and shield. You do not recognize him from the time you were in the work camp before.


The number of workers in the area is increasing, and there is beginning to be some interest in the two of you and your location. Often, one of the workers will look over at you from the construction site, call to another, then point. Occasionally they laugh, but mostly it seems to be curiousity. The guards who were with you for the night have bid there farewells to you, and no others have taken their place.

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Linden looks up at the approaching armed and armored figure and nudges Alenee and points with her chin at the approaching man. She gets up and loosens her mace, but does not pull it out.


"Hail, friend, can I help you? This area is restricted to those working the site."


She looks to the newcomer expectantly.

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