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Arcangel - The Beginning


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His cheerful mood darkens, he turns to look at her "Careful child you do not know who you are talking to and a minor fool is the wrong answer" His ears move as he speaks. "I've heard nearly everything you and Linden have said" His cheerful mood returns. He picks up a glass of tea and takes a long swig. "Ahh delicious"



OOC: Also Kethruch you didnt give me an inventory.

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Linden nods in agreement to what Alenee says. "I'll keep an eye out on Jouko. If nothing else, I'll keep feeding him to keep him quiet." she says with a grin.


She pauses in thought and then continues. "See if Reevelord has a ball of twine and some extra torches. I'd like to lower a torch down the hole to see how far it goes down. We could also swing said torch in a circular pattern to see if this is a vertical tunnel or an opening into some sort of chamber. We also will need torches or lanterns if we do ever find an opening into this tomb. If he could provide this, it would be most helpful."

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Linden, Alenee, Jouko

June 5, 1048 0700


Alenee does not have far to go to find Bengt - he is rounding the final bend in the path to the site.


"So," he says to Alenee as he sees her. "Did you have any luck finding out why the 'ghosts' have been disrupting my worksite?" When he hears your request for twine and torches, he frowns. "Yes, we have plenty of both." he says haltingly. "What do you need them for? The sun is up, and there should be plenty of light."


Melisande, Tiemmo, Helstar, Krixox

June 5, 1048 0700


The morning comes without further incident at the dig site. By the time you get squared away and head over to the construction site of the tomb, the sun is above the eastern horizon, and the site is full of workmen. You are directed to a building at the bottom of the hill to see the overseer. Upon arrival at the structure, you find a man standing just outside.

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Jouko watches as Alenee walks away, "Stuck up Elf, someone needs to teach her a lesson about what being kind is, i sense a lighter side in Linden, well screw this im full" he gets up and walks over to the hole, looking down, "Hm well im not going to blow it up, maybe later" A small slightly glowing ball forms in his hand, he looks to see if any workers are looking at him, he drops the ball into the hole and watches it fall, "This should tell me how deep this hole is and where it goes." He sits and waits for the ball to hit the bottom.
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"Not why, but how at least." Alenee replies, matching pace with him. "Invisible workers are borrowing your tools. But invisibility's all they've got it seems... I stopped last night's attack just fine, and your guards should be able to as well... if they can stay awake long enough. But I spotted an alternate enterance I think. A small hole in the ground, but underneath is stone just like the rest of the tomb. That's why I'll need any maps you can give me. I'm going to go have a look... don't worry, I won't open anything too evil looking..."
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Alenee, Linden, and Jouko

June 5 1048 0702


Jouko's looking down into darkness, as the small ball of light never materialized. Perhaps it was something in Linden's porridge?


Bengt looks at Alenee with a worried look on his face. "Invisibility? I always thought that all of that kind of stuff was only in fairy tales. Maps? We don't have any maps of this place - didn't even know it existed 'til a few days ago. I have some of the worksite, but they're all drawn with the plans of the tomb in mind. I wasn't allowed to take the archival maps out of the castle, but I can guarantee you that there was nothing on any of them that would be of any help to you on them, so there isn't any reason to go looking for them." He pauses, looking concerned. Then his atttitude changes to one of wonder. "A hole, you say." He says slowly. "Is it big enough that one might be able to see down into it? What a marvel it would be to look down on something that no one's seen for several thousand years. Do you mind if I accompany you back to the site? Poraloc!" He calls to one of the workers. "Make sure everything gets going this morning. I'll be there presently, and I want to see everyone working!"


Helstar, Tiemmo, Melisande, and Krixox

June 5 1048 0702


"Good morning, sir." The man says. "My name is Warrick, and I am Lord Reevelord's deputy. He is not here right now. What business do you have with him?" He looks at the four of you, obviously expecting an answer.

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(OOC - No strange mushrooms or fruits were used in the making of my porridge!)



Linden, seeing that Jouko has finished, goes back to the "camp" and cleans up breakfast. Once that is finished, she takes out her battle axe and begins her morning kata regime.

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"Ugh was there something in her porridge" He feels slighty dizzy, ugh, he doubles over and barfs, the barf just happens to go into the hole, "oops" , he throws up again, he clutches his stomach as if poisined and falls over, unconcious.
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