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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Alenee, Jouko, Linden, and Eruanion

June 5, 1048 0802


Jouko's head pops out of the hole. "So, what do you want?" He asks gruffly. "Are you worried about my fighting invisible monsters? What was it you said you fought before you discovered this hole? Let me go back down and let's get on with it." He goes back down the ladder, picks up the torch he left there and waits for the others to come.


Melisande, Tiemmo, Helstar, and Krixox

June 5, 1048 0741


Bengt's demeanor eases a bit as Tiemmo's speech hits its intended target. "You are correct. Though I still do not trust you, I will hear you out. Where was this writing that you thought was mine? Perhaps I can clear that up right now, for borh of us."

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Linden looks at the other two and shrugs. " Shall we go down then? I think we should keep the same marching order as I previously suggested.... And since I started to draw out a picture of this room, I'll keep up with the mapping. "



(OOC - I've started a map in excel to keep tabs of where were going... and where we've been. PM if you want a copy...)

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Erunanion looks at Linden. "What invisible monsters?" She explains to him (I didn't expect you to post up about them, hope you don't think i'm taking liberties), and he nods knowingly.

"I may have some spells that can counteract the magic being used, if we run into them again."


OOC: I say maybe, because i havent got all the details of my character with me. Will edit with changes.

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(OOC - No liberties taken - feel free to do this as necessary to keep the thread moving....)


Linden yells down, "Jouko move back! I'm dropping the second torch down!" She waits a few moments and then tosses the torch. Seeing that Jouko moved it, she slides her mace into its belt loop, and clambers down the steps.


When she gets to the bottom, she moves a few steps from the landing, takes the torch from Jouko, gets her mace readied in her other (left) hand and looks around.

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(OOC) please keep the assumptions to the minimum - I don't want any problems from any escalation of the process.


Linden, Alenee, Eruanion, and Jouko

June 5, 1048 0804


Jouko hands the torch to Alenee. "It goes about 50' and ends in a sealed door." He says quickly. "What do you make of these?" He points to the walls, which are carved in reliefs in a similar style to the upstairs walls. By the ladder you just came down, there are three reliefs of the dragon headed human from upstairs. Along the left are a series of scenes where the dragon headed human is seen with the others from upstairs, most of them with him in a dominant position, directing the other figures. The right hand side is split. On the bottom half od the wall are pictographs that look somewhat like Egyptian Heiroglyphs. On the top half are a series of scenes that portray the Dragon headed figure directing a human figure that is holding a staff and wearing a crown. The scenes include the settling and building of a city, the fighting off of an army of various monsters, the man in front of a group of kowtowing figures, and the man directing great monuments being built.

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Erunanion steps lightly down the stairs, and examined the pictographs on the wall. "Could this man be the man buried here?" He looks at the heiroglyphs. "I cannot make these out. They are in a launguage of which i have no knowledge." He looks about he room, looking for any signs of inhabitance or disturbance recently.
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"Me? No idea." Alenee says as she steps off the ladder. "I'm pretty new around here and ancient history's hardly my best subject anyway." In a bit of contradictoin to her words, she takes a minuite to study the walls. A bit of carving on the right side catches her attention. "This might not be good..." She points at the crowned figure. "Bengt said something about a king possessed by an evil god... I don't like this at all...."
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"I'm thinking the same thing," said Linden as she looks at the glyphs. "If this is the tomb of Astanth, then we need to proceed with caution." With the other two looking at the glyphs, Linden is going to proceed down the hallway (check for any trip wires, traps, etc.) and examine the door. (Type of door? Hinges on the outside? How is it sealed? Does it have a locking mechanism? Stuff like that...)
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Linden, Alenee, Eruanion, and jouko

June 5, 1048 0810


Linden's search reveals nothing out of the ordinary (if you can call this whole place ordinary, that is). The door on the end has a great stone ring on the left side of it. There is another stone ring in the wall, just to the left of the door. A tie of some kind, apparently no worse for the wear of time, is looped between the two, the ends fused together with a tablet, upon which are markings similar to those that Linden and Alenee saw on the black door on the outside of the tomb. There are no apparent hinges on this side of the door, and it is covered with the same kind of pictographs that appear everywhere in the hallway. "Linden, what are you doing?" Jouko cries.

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