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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Linden looks over to her two companions after making sure that Jouko was still among the living and at least "well".


"I'm going to edge around the room and take a look at what is on the back shelves. If anything doesn't feel right to you or if you see movement, yell out."


Linden is going to slowly edge around the right side of the room keeping her back to the wall as much as possible. When she makes it to the back wall and the shelves she going to look at the bric a brac on the shelves but not touch.



OOC - Welcome back Kethruch!

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OOC: Hey Kethruch! Glad you're back with us :D


"Alright. I'll check the other wall." Erunánion slowly steps towards Jouko, and carefully slids his sword away from the prone body. Looking up at his companions furtive expressions. "Look, lets be cautious until we figure out what it is we are dealing with." He then walks alongs side the left-hand wall, minutely checking for anything strange. If he does, he will stop and investigate it closer.


His sword starts to feel heavier in his hand.


Trying to dispel the tension of the room, he asks "What do you think he meant about 'wings?'"

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"Maybe it was something he saw? Or he's dreaming?" replied Linden. "When he wakes up we can ask him."


OOC - Three questions: 1) Are the statues similar in design (or repeats) of the ones we saw upstairs? 2) What do the side structures look like 3) Anything interesting on the shelves (assuming I made it that far?)

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Helstar, Tiemmo, Melisande, and Krixox

June 5, 1048 0749


Bengt looks at the four of you with a look of disbelief that turns into a scowl. "Why are you here, I mean really!" His voice raised to where you believe it can probably be heard anywhere in the city. "You come in and accuse me, then someone else who works for me, then me again, of being connected to someone who is trying to chase someone else off the hills! What gall! That's it, I've had enough of this. If you don't leave now, my guards will escort you out!" He directs his attention at the guards. "If they are seen anywhere near my dig site - you have permission to kill them." He turns away and goes to the back of the room, turning back to face you. "Well?" He asks pointedly.


Linden, Alenee, and Eruanion

June 5, 1048 0825


The search of the room reveals that the statues are simply what they seem to be - statues of humans in various poses and wearing various styles of dress. As Linden and Eruanion reach the bookcase, they can see that the two side structures appear solid, with some carvings across the sides that are of a funeral procession. The sparkle on the back shelves winds up being a gemstone similar to the ones on the table. While there is a stone there, there is no depression for it like the ones on the side structures. On the shelf with the gem are a number of small, almost impressionistic, figurines of animals, people, and buildings. The other shelves are otherwise lined with books that are untitled, bound in a reddish, almost metallic-looking substance.

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"Is it clear?" Alenee asks from outside the room. Seeing that no immediate threat has appeared, she relaxes her defense a bit and lets her bow return to its undrawn position. Though she still doesn't enter, she begins visually inspecting the room a bit more carefully.
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"Sir, one sample of your handwriting is all I ask. One sample, and I shall leave this place and not bother you again, unless I have demanding reason. ONe simple sample of yo writing, and this whole incident may be forgotten." Helstar performs a long, sweeping bow at the end of his words.


"just one sample..."

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June 5, 1048 0826


As you get near the doorway, you feel a chill come over you, as if the temperature in the room drops to below freezing. The feeling passes in a second, though you find yourself trying to stand up, as you were flat on your face on the ground.


Helstar, Tiemmo, Krixox, & Melisande

June 5, 1048 0750


Bengt looks at you with fire in his eyes. "I have already shown you my handwriting. If you had any brains, you'd realize that already! That's it - take these people and keep them here." He shouts to the guards. "If any of them do anything except breathe, make sure they can't do it again - ever."


The two guards are joined by two others from outside, forcing everyone by the doorway into the room. The two inside the room try to corner Melisande and Helstar against a desk.


"We aren't going to have any trouble from youse - are we?" One of them says in a raspy voice. "It would be too bad to give ya another scar to match the other one - here." He says, the point of his sword sliding across Melisande's neck.

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