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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Linden looks thoughfully at the statuettes and the parchment. "This is indeed a strange puzzle. But one, I believe, that we need to solve. Why don't we place the statuettes on the parchment which are represented by a single pictogram? That way we know the placement of.. (talleys the statuettes quickly) six of the fourteen pieces. Maybe placing them can help us determine where the others belong."


Taking the statuettes represented by 49, 97, 14, 8, 11, and 34, she places them gently on the parchment.


"Does this look like anything to either of you?" she asks the other two.

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"Hm, that would be an interesting form of magic scroll if the paper itself was what we are trying to activate," Alenee says as Linden aranges the figurines on the paper. "It seems like it would be more likely that it's a key of some kind... and that those are meant to go somewhere else." Alenee begins to search the area for any socket or other place that looks like it would hold the figurines.
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"Do you know of any reason the Lord Overseer would have for deceiving the king about the process of his job?" Portia interjects in a very even tone to try to save the magician from having apoplexy.


"We seem to have come across some things that don't make sense, like why Lord Reevelord might be sending secret messages deriding the king and talking about a true purpose. I am sure that an examination of the documents in the Overseers hut would prove us out. We were not able to fully explain to the good captain here all of the problems that seemed to contradict each other."


With that, she falls silent, awaiting a response.

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Tiemmo, Portia, Helstar, and Krixox

June 05, 1048 0858


The head constable looks at the group of you, and then specifically at Portia. "You can prove this?" he asks her directly. "There are documents that, as best I can tell form what you say, show that Lord Reevelord was a traitor in some way?" He looks at the Captain. "If this is the case, we should be very sure. Send some of your men to the construction site. I want to know if Lord Reevelord is there. If he is not, bring me all of the documents within the Overseer's building." He turns then to the Dwarf. "Master Dwarf. I have heard of the honor of your race, and will accept your word for now. Please, you and your companions, please sit until the captain returns with the proof that you report is there." He motions for all of you to come in and have a seat.


Alenee, Linden, and Eruanion

June 05, 1048 0858


You place the six figurines on their respective likenesses , and there seems to be no reaction one way or the other. Alenee's search of the area shows no other places where the figurines might go. There seems to be nothing around but the statues, the books and the figurines.

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Linden looks down at the figurines placed so far and at the remaining ones.



"If this is a spell, then wouldn't all of the pieces need to be placed on the parchment? Let's place the other eight on one of their corresponding spots and see if anything happens."


She then places the figurines in the following manner:



84 49 90 70 97 14 19

69 17 96 45 66 20 32

10 47 81 08 17 98 83

16 48 56 99 33 16 50

90 73 38 28 56 44 47

56 16 54 06 32 17 25

63 33 69 19 90 79 60

25 91 47 84 50 99 58

53 62 58 11 34 68 02

09 83 33 21 25 19 13

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Alenee, Linden, & Eruanion

June 05, 1048 0902


The pieces go down well enough, but nothing happens. There is no big boom, no blare of trumpets and the parting of the clouds, just plain old nothing.


OOC - Yohoo! my 500th post!!!!!



Portia, Helstar, Tiemmo, and Krixox

June 05, 1048 0902


"So," the head constable begins. "Shall we make with the small talk?" He calls over to someone and asks for some tea. "Can I get any of you anything?" He pauses for just a moment and continues regardless of the response. "You are a strange group of people to be together. Tell me, where do you come from and what brings you to our fair city? As far as I can tell, you've already killed at least six people. That's pretty impressive, even if all of the kills were in self defence."

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"Hmm." Erunánion looks hard at the figurines, as if blaming them personally for the failure to do anything. Looking at the numbers themselves, he starts to find pairs and triplets of numbers, trying to find a relationship between them. "Perhaps," he says slowly, "All the numbers are not necessarily used as placements for figurines. Perhaps they are there to cloud the important numbers. For example, we've got two "84"'s on the board. The only way they can be related is by where they might point to, if we drew lines from their positions. So, lets say we draw a horizontal line out from the 84 in the top corner, and a vertical one from the other 84. They would meet where the 70 is, so we ignore that and place the #84 figurine in its place."


He does this, to see if it has any effect, or makes any other solutions like this become apparent.

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Alenee, Eruanion, and Linden

June 05, 1948 0903


Eruanion feels a little light headed as he picks the piece up off of the pictogram represented in the grid above by the '84'. He places it down on the '70', and, after a tense moment, once again, nothing happens.

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Linden looks to Eruanion. "You may be onto something with that. But some of these figurines have 3 locations. Would that mean we need to look at diagonals too?" Looking at the parchment, she studies the configuration for a while before speaking again. "Okay, Eruanion's theory works, for the most part, except for one statue. Let's place them first."


She places the statues in the following place: (OOC- marked in orange)


#90 on 38, row 5

#84 on 70, row 1

#49 on 49 row 1

#97 on 97 row 1

#14 on 14, row 1

#19 on 13, row 10

#47 on 58, row 8

#33 on 54 , row 6

#25 on 50, row 8

#34 on 34, row 9

#11 on 11, row 9

#8 on 8, row 3

#56 on 73, row 5


84 49 90 70 97 14 19

69 17 96 45 66 20 32

10 47 81 08 17 98 83

16 48 56 99 33 16 50

90 73 38 28 56 44 47

56 16 54 06 32 17 25

63 33 69 19 90 79 60

25 91 47 84 50 99 58

53 62 58 11 34 68 02

09 83 33 21 25 19 13



"The problem is for this final statue (#17)." she says quietly. "It can go in five possible locations. (OOC- Marked in blue). I believe that it goes in one of those positions but I'm not sure which one. I'm going to try on randomly. Wish me luck."


Taking a deep breath, Linden places the final statuette on the position marked by the 56, row 5.

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