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Mod issues with Windows 7


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hello all,

Ive been having some issues with Oblivion mods on Windows 7. I can extract them, and activate them, but they either show up in game as yellow diamonds with exclamation points, Or when i install them on my character, my characters body disappears. Ive tried direct extraction, and then manually moving components to the proper folders, ie. Textures into textures, Meshes into meshes, and still the same result. Is there something im missing, or maybe Something i dont have to make these work. btw, most of the obmm setup mods do work. its the non-obmm mods, im having issues with. Any help would be great in this regard. there are a lot of really excellent mods out here, that i want to use.in particular, some of the really awesome clothing and armor mods ive seen.

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1.Make sure you are running the latest oblivion patch. A lot of mods require this.


2. Check if the mod requires OBSE in the Read me. If it does, and you do not have it, then you need to go install it.


3. Download ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated at http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10724


4. If you've done the above and still having issues, then make sure your folders are in the right spot.

"Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures"

"Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Meshes"




If none of the above work, then I'm not sure what your problem is. You could try reinstalling the mod.

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not sure what you mean by a UAC issue. What i have done is try to install the mods, using 7zip. ive also tried a Manual install. and i get the same result. either they dont work properly, or they half work, and half not. Im currently tracking an issue with a nice armor mod as we speak, this one however is being a real pain. Its showing up yellow diamond with exclamation point, at the items location. and you cant click on it or anything.
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You have the latest patch. What about my other steps?




What Fonger means is that if you go to...


Start -> Control Panel -> System And Security -> Change User Account Control Settings (Its under "Action Center")


And disable UAC by sliding the bar all the way down, it might fix your problem. I've had my UAC disabled since I got my computer about a year ago and never had anything go wrong with it. As long as you have anti virus software, and aren't computer illiterate, then this poses no security issue.

Edited by skullsy
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@michael98789. Not much to go on here.

Are you using Win7? If not, you are posting in the wrong place.

If so. what are you doing that doesn't work?



General advice


This is intended as a guide for those who have never downloaded files before and need to know how to go about it.


Don't be intimidated by the length of these instructions. After you know how it will only take 2 or 3 mouse clicks to download a mod.


It might be easier to follow if you print out these instructions first. as several steps will take you away from the Library site.



First, Mods are available from many places, as Tesnexus http://tesnexus.com/ is the most popular, I will use it as my example. As I use Windows XP my examples will use that also. If you use a different operating system, such as Vista or Linux, it will be similar. I also assume that Oblivion was installed in the default location C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. If it is in a different location, you must make allowances.


NOTE: I do NOT recommend installing Vista or Win7 to the default location due to what the Windows UAC will make you go through to get things to work after they are downloaded. Recomended install location C:\Games\Oblivion - this completely bypasses the UAC problem without crippling the protection that UAC provides to programs that need it.


Before you start downloading mods, you need a place to put them. If you don't tell Windows where to put a downloaded file, it will usually put it either in the last place you downloaded to, or in the C:\Documents and Settings\Username\my documents. Note that username is the name you assigned to yourself when the computer was set up. For instance, on my computer, my username is ben, so on my computer it would be C:\Documents and settings\ben\My Documents.


I recommend creating a separate folder just to store your downloaded Oblivion mods. To make it easy to find, lets put it on the desktop, if you don't want it there you can move it to wherever you want. Just don't forget where you put it.


To make the new folder, RIGHT click on an open space on the desktop. move the pointer down to the NEW and a list will appear. select and click FOLDER. A new folder icon will appear with the name already highlighted. Type "Oblivion Downloads" and press enter. This is where your new mod downloads will go.


Now find the mod you want to download - The first file I recommend is not really a mod, but the program you will need to install mods after you have downloaded them. It is called 7-zip and is a file compression/uncompress program that is one of several that can be used to uncompress mods and move the various parts into your game folders. it can be found on Tesnexus here http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=15579 just left click on the highlighted part of this line and you will be transferred to it.


There is a description that you should read, an image (picture ) of what the file looks like when it is used, and, near the center of your screen you should see a Files(1) - this is where the downloadable file is located. left click on it.




Now you should see 7-ZIP 464. (The 464 may be a different number as that is the revision number)

Left click on the 7-ZIP 464.




A pop up window will appear with Opening 7-ZIP_464 at the top.

There are 3 choices, 2 indicated by round selection boxes and the third is a square.




You want the second, Save to Disk. Click on the circle and it will be filled by a green dot indicating that is your choice Don't worry about the Open with circle.

You can also select the square so it will automatically save to disk instead of asking next time you download something.


Now click on the OK. A new pop up should appear. At the top it should have

'Enter Name of File to save to...' then below that Save in and a data entry box. On the left below the save in: look for Desktop and click it. then find your new 'Oblivion Downloads' folder in the window and click on it. The window should go blank. (you haven't put anything in it yet.) as we don't want to change either the file name or save as type, leave them as they are. click on the SAVE block Both of the pop up windows should vanish. You have now finished your first download. You now have to install it.


Find the file you just downloaded. It should be in the new folder you created on the desktop. Open the folder and find a folder 7-ZIP_464-15597.zip




1. Run 7zip464.exe - Click on the folder to run it

2. Welcome - Click Next

3. End-User License Agreement - Check I accept and click Next

4. Custom Setup - Disable Localization files and click Next

5. Ready to Install - Click Install

6. Setup Complete - Click Finish



Now you have a program that can handle the compressed files you download, not just from Tesnexus but from many other sites as well.



Now that you are set up for downloading, lets download an actual mod that we can use in the next 2 parts of this tutorial. It is a simple mod with only one file that needs to be installed. It is called 'Bben_Test_Dagger' and is located on Tesnexus here : http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=16334


when you find the 'files (1)' click on it. Then click on the file itself. It should be downloaded into your Oblivion Downloads folder ready for the next step.


If you need the rest of the tutorial please let me know.

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i tried turning off the UAC and reinstalling some of the mods im having trouble with. It didnt help. I may just have to reinstall the game as you said to a new directory. obmm mods work just fine, Its the ones that are not obmm, im having trouble with. I just put a new armor mod on last night, using obmm, and it worked just fine. Likewise, some of the 7zip mods work as well. its the ones that manually install that wont work right. Edited by STnut40
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