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Burning cash fast


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I give my fortune to beggers, about every begger in Oblivion has around 10k in my game.



You could always go into someones house, and donate the money to a chest. If these aren't good enough, persuade EVERYONE!!!!! :D

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...You could always go into someones house, and donate the money to a chest. ...

How would you leave gold inside a container?


My suggestion: join the Dark Brotherhood. Buy up all the Poisoned Apples that you can (do this before advancing through the storyline). Leave these little gifts in everbody's food cabinets. Rinse. Repeat.

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My suggestion: join the Dark Brotherhood. Buy up all the Poisoned Apples that you can (do this before advancing through the storyline). Leave these little gifts in everbody's food cabinets. Rinse. Repeat.






Yes, that would work ;D ;D ! Or (Chris), you could just murder a bunch or people, and when the guards come up to you, just click resist arrest until you have over a 300,000 bounty. I saw it on a video once. Unless you're using the Oblivion Unlocker and are playing as any type of guard.

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Sadly it is hard to spend money to advantage in Oblivion. Here are some suggestions.


Buy all houses and furnish them. This will eat up what you have but by then you will have made more.


Buy every in-game unique item. Every shop has one and together they cost a fair amount.


Invest in every shop. There are many - all inns even isolated and in small settlements, some guilds, some shrines etc. It doesn't give you anything except a statistic.


Purchase a fleet of Rolls Royces - ah, no. That only works in the real world.


Produce a mod where you have to pay to maintain your properties, feed your horses, can be mugged or burgled etc.

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You're missing the easy one... Enchanting and spellmaking. Make a few weapons that discharge quickly (daggers with large enchantments). Get yourself a spell for summon scamp. Use scamp to discharge your weapons. Then find someone to recharge them (approach with weapon drawn for higher prices). Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll run out of money and might end up getting some weapon skills out of it.
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I've been bribing people like crazy, investing in shops and buying homes. Also, the typical run through the Oblivion planes usually nets me 30-50k in daedric and ebony equipment from dremora and xiviili weapon/ring drops. :rolleyes:


I have not done any murdering spree tho since I don't want to end up killing any trainers by mistake. :dry:

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