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Problem with Texturing WorldSpace


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I've just started making a new town a few minutes from Skingrad, flattened out a small area to fit it in and made a few paths.

I want to have a dirt path running up to a building that's kinda important for this mod, but when I texture it does a little bit of it then leaves a bit as it was before.

I can see there's a straight line through the part that actually textured and the part that didn't, so I'm guessing this is the limit of part of the Worldspace. How can I texture across this?


Also, I tried to repair the part by redoing the grass, but the part that textured before can only be retextured using Dirt textures as far as I know, no grass will go onto it!


Also, quick question... If I want the FenceGate to open properly, do I need to put it in, or the just the Animation version, or both?

And if I want a Note I've made to pinpoint the town, how do I do this? (I've yet to add it to the Map the player carries)



Thanks in advance,


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I've just started making a new town a few minutes from Skingrad, flattened out a small area to fit it in and made a few paths.

I want to have a dirt path running up to a building that's kinda important for this mod, but when I texture it does a little bit of it then leaves a bit as it was before.

I can see there's a straight line through the part that actually textured and the part that didn't, so I'm guessing this is the limit of part of the Worldspace. How can I texture across this?


Also, I tried to repair the part by redoing the grass, but the part that textured before can only be retextured using Dirt textures as far as I know, no grass will go onto it!


Also, quick question... If I want the FenceGate to open properly, do I need to put it in, or the just the Animation version, or both?

And if I want a Note I've made to pinpoint the town, how do I do this? (I've yet to add it to the Map the player carries)



Thanks in advance,





I can help with most of these.




First, it's an exterior cell. A worldspace is a completely different thing. A worldspace is a collection of cells. The whole exterior of Cyrodiil is a worldspace, as are each of the towns.




The texture. Only a limited amount of different textures is allowed in each outdoor cell. when this limit is reached, new textures will simply not appear, as you have witnessed.




To fix this, and allow for your path texture, you must remove one of the old textures. I find that the best way to do this is to pick a texture that already exits in the cell (ctrl+Right click), make sure opacity is at 100, and spread it over the whole cell. This will effectively destroy all other textures in the cell, meaning that there is only one. You will now be able to put your path in.




There is a downside to this method, in that cells look rather bland with only one texture, so after placing your path, you need to manually repair the textures to an arrangement that is more visually pleasing. You don't have to make it like it was before, just make sure your messing with textures is not evident in the finished product.




The gate. Simply, you want the anim version only. Anim versions of every door are the ones that visibly open. Non animated versions are usually reserved for cell transitions.




As for the note. That I don't know. Sounds like a script function. But to make a place appear on the map, simply place a mapmarker object and adjust it's properties for name and symbol. Mapmarker can be found in statics, and it will appear on the map permanantly once the player has visited at least once.




Don;t know how to make it appear by reading a note though. Sorry.





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Oooh! WK and I are a good team ;)


scn IfoundAnOldMap
;By GBHis. Attaches to books and activators.

Begin OnActivate
; If you want Fast Travel to be enabled when the player reads it,
; change the "0" to a "1" below:
ShowMap OutForLewt 0
messagebox "I've marked the location of XXX on my map."

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Thanks again, sorted out the textures now, didn't have to repair too much thankfully. I'll use the correct Vocab next time too, that was just the first word from the tutorial that popped into my head :P

And thanks again for yet another script GBHis. Perhaps I should take the time to learn a bit of it myself, save you the trouble :D


EDIT: Even bigger problem, one that I know is my fault. The town I built I just placed at a random point on the road between Skingrad and the Imperial City. I've just had a look there with my character and all there is are the paths I made and a bunch of trees floating in the air... big mistake there. None of the buildings are there, and I couldn't see the trees while I was editing to delete them (I remember one tool that was supposed to change the view, but when I tried it nothing happenend.

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