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Disable slow motion


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Is it at all possible to disable the slow motion effect on melee hits?

It was cool at first but it really breaks the flow when you're hacking through a large group, and is just getting to be old and a waste of time.


Can't find any mods that do it and no one even seems to want it but me.

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I turned mine off for the same reason.


The setting is located in the default_levels.xml file in the \data\skills folder of data0.pak.


Do you have any mods installed that affect skill? Look in your \Documents\DyingLight\out\data\skills folder for this file. If you don't have one, you can extract the file from data0.pak to \Documents\DyingLight\out\data\skills.


Once you have it there, use notepad to edit the file and search for "SlowMoProbability". Change "v=0.2" to "v=0.0". You'll have to use Dying Light Manager to launch the game for this to work.


If you don't want to go through the hassle, let me know and I can create a mod to download.

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