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Fallout New Vegas was 720p. Don't know much about the 3D, only that the source has seen some 3D tech demos with character models if you know what i mean. DLC is subject to change, depending on what option Bethesda feels is most profitable.
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Fallout New Vegas was 720p

True, probably a remnant of the old engine. Quite sad that all their games were at 720p when you have full hd potential :P.

DLC is subject to change, depending on what option Bethesda feels is most profitable.

Hehe, if they can make the story end and with a DLC continue, they'll do it again ;).

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Damn, why they have to wait until 2012? I want to play another ES before the End of the World. Guess I'm(sorry, we...are) not that lucky, hmmph... :sad:
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Large scale battles would be great. Graphics are great these days anyway, so they should work more on the gameplay and storyline. Less random, go there kill that, quest over, here's your reward, bye...missions.
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I always hate to get excited about stuff like this until the actual release. At this point, with a 2012 release, there's so much room for changes, it could be a whole different ball of wax by then. :dry: Anticipation is fine but I just keep thinking back to some of the things we did and didn't hear about Oblivion, and I don't want to set myself false expectations...
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You have a healthy way of seeing things majik. Mayby that's why I love Morrowind so much. I didn't knew about it until after it was released, so my expectations where more than fullfilled when I got it, simply becouse I didn't expect anything. It was all great and for someone who started with Nox, Morrowind felt a lot more than a good SF at that time. I don't know, mayby not only the producers are getting greedy, players get to. With all the options we have on the game market today, we expect every game to have all the goodies from all the other games. We started to compare, that game is good, but it doesn't have that thing that I've seen in the other game and so on and so forth. :yes:
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