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News on TES: IV!


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Yep... plus if they did Cyrodiil, really they'd have to do the rest of Tamriel along with it (otherwise have unrealistic invisible walls or locked gates stopping you from going on, like Mournhold...) which would take forever! So I can see why they wouldn't want to do that...
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What about Daggerfall?

Did they have invisible walls to prevent the player from crossing over into skyrim?

In any case invisible walls are not that bad, the main problem is that it limits modders. In Morrowind you can just make another island anywhere you want to start new adventures, an inland map would be restricted to the limited coastline.

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Well in Daggeful; the lanscape was randomly generated so it would go on and on and on as far as you would like to travel so that is still a possibility <although in Morrowind they did not choose the whole randomly generated style as the devs wanted to create a unique experance were where ever you went it would be orginal and alot of thought put into its creation.>
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  • 1 month later...

theyve actually changed what their doing TES4 on, im pretty sure they mentioned it will be in cyrodil, besides, it should still be pretty good, since...


they can learn from their mistakes in TES3

graphics engine will be new, or a enhanced one

faces and character models wont be so appauling.

hopefully they make dialogue more interactive, with more than one generic script.

and the most important.

Hopefully the TES Construction Kit will remain with a simple interface, and easy to use, which will make things even better for the modders out there.


so, providing they dont use a cliche for a plot, make travels shorter, WAY BETTER COMBAT SYSTEM :angry2: and more things to do with more skills, im sure it will get Game Of The Year status just like TES3.



oh well, we can only wait....

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I think it could very well take place in the city of Cyrodill. Maybe even JUST that city. My logic:


-Next emporer undesided


-Current emporer sick


-Riots breaking out in the city (said in TES:3)


A city in Turmoil over it succsesor, riots rage unchecked in the vast expanses of the barrakated city of Cyrodill, dynastys and politicl groups fight despritly to claim leadership, then suddenly a single person steps forth and is crowned emporer

(Cue loud orchistra music)


1st: Great setting, what with the politcal fieasco and what not.

2nd: City is barrakated so no worrys about mapnig an entire continet.

3rd: With the many dynasties and political groups it'll make good open ended play.

4rth: When such diversity is in place it wouldn't be so unrealistic that a single person joining a faction would sway the odds in their favor and eventualy win them the fight, and that that one person is praised for their work and they themselves are crowned king.


:whistling: *whistles* sounds good to me.


Mods would just be extentions of the city. Granted people like us who mod the game are importent to corperations and developers we are not so importent as to massivly sway the direction of their products just so we can have free fun with easy-to-mod games with easy-to-add-mods settings such is the case as Vvardenfel.


But just my thoughts, and I'm probly wrong and you wasted you time ready my giberish.

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