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Is this the CM Partners interface?


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Exactly, this way they are not always in armor or when I want to have them in casual clothes, I have to access their inventory and put it in mine. And frankly I'm an assassin. So my favorite cm partner is Satanika which she's a conjurer (probably will just change her to Necromancer) so this way it'll be the Necromancer and the Assassin.



Sorry for the double post

Edited by Lord Revan X
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So do you know where you d/l the option, b/c i'm interested.

I wish I did. I was trying to figure out if there was a way to apply it to existing partners. I have three total I use and only one of them does it right now, the others I have to give just their casual clothes and take all their armor and weapons (annoying). I'm no coder, I'm not sure how it was done though...

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I have another quick question about CM Partners, since that was more or less the original topic here. Does it allow in-game partner creation? I read somewhere that there was some download that added partners but also allowed for creation of customs as well. If it wasn't CM partners, can someone direct me to which mod it was?
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I have another quick question about CM Partners, since that was more or less the original topic here. Does it allow in-game partner creation? I read somewhere that there was some download that added partners but also allowed for creation of customs as well. If it wasn't CM partners, can someone direct me to which mod it was?


Yes, but not ingame, you'd have to do it in the CS.

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