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Script help needed - Leg crippling.


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Hi. Im working on a little something something, and i can't figure how to write a script to accomplish this. The idea is too setactorvalue to 0 when a specific item is worn, but set actor value back to what it was before the item got equipped. So; If legs has a condition of 25% when not equipped, then you wear the piece of armour, you get 0% mobility. Then when you unequipp it you regain the 25% condition. How could this be done? Is the engine compatible to save actor values? I dont know if im clear on what i mean. Help is appriciated.


Setactorvalue LeftMobilityCondition 0
Setactorvalue RightMobilityCondition 0

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create variables for the limb values


on equip, set the variables to the limb values and cripple the legs

on unequip, set the limb values to the variables



I guess. So there is actually a way to do something like that? Im quite new to making complex scripts, could you possibly throw me a hint? :P

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I don't really have time to try it out but it will look something like


scn myscriptname

short    leftleg ;stores left leg health
short    rightleg ;stores right leg health

Begin OnEquip player ; assuming this is for the player... a little more voodoo for anyone

set leftleg to player.getav leftmobilitycondition
set rightleg to player.getav rightmoibilitycondition
player.setav leftmobilitycondition 0
player.setav rightmobilitycondition


Begin OnUnequip player

player.setav leftmobilitycondition leftleg
player.setav rightmobilitycondition rightleg



Something like that. Hopefully you can get the idea.

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