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Fallout 3 Crashes - Tried a lot!


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Hi there,


I have a problem where my Fallout 3 randomly crashes. I have tried loads of things but nothing seemed to work. I have installed compatibility patches, fixes, reset my game, removing all save files and starting fresh didn't work either.. Installed specific save file fixers and turned off all auto saves etc.. You name it, I've done it.


(apart from hopefully your insightful tip!)


As it's probably important, this is my modlist and order.






As I've stated in my previous error topic, I've installed everything perfectly using Gopher's and primarily DansGaming's video tutorial series.


I hope you can help me and I look forward to any and all replies that try to do so.


Once again: My game crashes, on anything.. It goes well for about 5 minutes, then I crash no matter what I do.

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DC Moods and Fellout on conflicting as stated on the DC Moods mod page "If you are using weather mods such as Fellout they may conflict"


Use only one Optional Restore Tracers.


Disable and uninstall Mart's Mutant Mod and download and install the Paradox Ignition version of MMM. That is the only one that will work with Blackened, as stated on the Blackened mod page.


Disable and uninstall the Blackened patch that you have and download and install the correct Blackened patch.


Disable and uninstall Sprint Mod, it is part of FWE and not needed.

Edited by M48A5
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