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BlackCompany Mods


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Greetings all. As some few might notice over the course of the next few days, I have removed my mods from the Nexus. I was in no way forced or coerced into doing so. Rather I have chosen to move on from Fallout New Vegas, and from the Fallout Series entirely. In fact I am swearing off any games made using the Gambryo engine for the foreseeable future.


I will finish the main quest for FONV by Christmas if not before (it cannot come soon enough.) I have had my fill of overpowered flying insects and mobs of Deathclaws. I have had my fill of even the baddest, toughest character pouring points into speech because all relevant checks use this one stat. I enjoy a game which offers plenty of open exploration - alas, New Vegas is not that game. I have a passion for post-apocalyptic settings. New Vegas dropped the ball entirely in this regard.


Combine all of these things with the excessively bug-ridden nature of both the game, and the GECK tool set, and you have a recipe for frustration. Adding spawns to the game crashes it. Changing arbitrary info totally unrelated to quests breaks them anyway. Adding new NPC's to the game via an esp file causes crashes on both save and load. After working many, many hours in private on the giant let-down that was Oblivion, and then modding for FO3 despite its many bugs I have had my fill of both this world and the bugs which place so many limits upon it.


Therefore I am completing the game in the very near future. After doing so I will be moving on from the world of Fallout. I will not miss it.


One last note: I still think the franchise that is Fallout can be saved. A new game engine is a must. Rebooting the series to a period immediately following the war and instituting hardcore mode in a place where water and food are actually rare, would also go a long way toward drawing me back into future games. As for radio stations, either drop em or make them interesting. I never listened to them in New Vegas at all, and the audio is just taking up space in my game which could have been used on things that were actually interesting.


So, enough of my rant. My thanks and apologies to fans of my mods. I enjoyed spending time with you. Perhaps TES 5 will be a far better game than either Oblivion or Fallout has proven to be to this point. If so, look for me then. Until that point, its simply time to move on. As my graduation from college looms, life no longer permits me time to turn on a game I would rather not play just to support mods.


Thanks for your time and all of my best.

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While not familiar with your mods, I can easily understand the frustration with the games and toolset. Having dabbled in modding (mostly for personal experience in game) and dealing with bugs galore, I doubt anyone would try to convince you the engine was wonderful (pretty sure its been dropped after this FO anyway). I think removing your mods outright might be a little much, as you could leave them up with a simple notice of no further updates.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah i agree with you in some points, for example, those damn cazardors (or something, not sure about spelling.) are seriously broken. One sting through mark 2 reinforced combat armor and you're dead. Completely ridiculous. As for the deathclaws, they're only a bit over powered in my opnion, two sniper headshots or one anti-materiel round. And the speech skill is seriously a BIG mistake. If you don't have it, you can delete your save.

The game is also full of bugs, but patches are being released constantly. The new geck sucks, all areas don't load, it lags a lot, you can't really do anything big.

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While I agree with what's being said above, I am torn.


On the one hand the dated gamebryo engine is buggy and flawed, and FONV seems less thought out than FO3.


On the other hand, its the dated engine that allows me to play it on my POS desktop, and although flawed FONV its still executed well enough to be addictive, especially if tastefully modded.


But without the efforts of people like you boone, I probably would have been done with the game too by now.

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While I agree with what's being said above, I am torn.


On the one hand the dated gamebryo engine is buggy and flawed, and FONV seems less thought out than FO3.


On the other hand, its the dated engine that allows me to play it on my POS desktop, and although flawed FONV its still executed well enough to be addictive, especially if tastefully modded.


But without the efforts of people like you boone, I probably would have been done with the game too by now.


It's not so much the "dated" aspect - HL2 has a much better engine as you could get comparable visuals for less, not to mention more stable. Granted, it was in house proprietary so that's to be expected. If not for the Fallout License I would never have put up with all the nonsense since the only company that releases buggy games that I've found are worth enduring is Bioware. Of course, said bugs generally haven't been as extensive as my Bethesda experience - but seriously, without the license, I'd never touch this game as its primarily my fondness from FO1 and FO2 that allows me to put up with all the headaches ;)

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But without the efforts of people like you boone, I probably would have been done with the game too by now.

*ahem* though I'd love to take credit for modding, I don't mod :( credit goes to people like BlackCompany.





I've looked over that list and didn't see a single mod that I use on it. Most of them didn't look very interesting either, I don't care for most of them being "OMG MOAR HARDCORE" either.


?? There are some classics on there, 3rd person camera, Fellout, as well as new ones like Imps Time Scale Adjuster, Play after main quest!?!

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I've looked over that list and didn't see a single mod that I use on it. Most of them didn't look very interesting either, I don't care for most of them being "OMG MOAR HARDCORE" either.


?? There are some classics on there, 3rd person camera, Fellout, as well as new ones like Imps Time Scale Adjuster, Play after main quest!?!


I don't mind the over the shoulder view and can switch to first person and iron-sights with one keystroke. A mod that let me zoom the camera out further would actually be worth something to me.


I last tried Fellout in Fallout 3 and it was so damn glitchy I couldn't stand it. Besides, unlike the Capital Wasteland the Mohave actually is a desert. I prefer URWL instead for lighting fixes.


I don't care about playing after the main quest, as far as I'm concerned it's the end of the game and time to start a new run rather than wander aimlessly without a goal.

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