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Verifying CK cache, but still no TESV_Papyrus_Flag

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Today the CK started giving me grief about not being able to find TESV_Papyrus_Flag when I hit the "Compile" button. Also, I appear to be missing the ObjectReference.psc file from script/sources folder. No matter how many times I verify the CK cache, I'm told that everything that should be there is there.


Oddly, everything has been awesome with the CK until just today. There was a Steam Update today...did something break?


As part of my investigation, I looked into quest scripts I know to be working, in several different mods, but every time I try clicking "Compile" in my stages tab, I get the same error message. "Where's yer goldern TESV Papyrus Flag boy?"


Verifying the cache didn't work, neither did uninstalling CK and reinstalling. Verifying Skyrim did nothing, neither did reinstalling Skyrim completely. Probably pointless to have gone that far, but I did it anyway.


Should I actually HAVE TESV_Papyrus_Flag in my scripts folder? Should I have ObjectReference.psc in the sources folder? I have ObjectReference.pex in scripts, but that's it.

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.pex will not help as they are compiled scripts. You require the source scripts (.psc) for the Creation Kit to open them.


Looking at my update history, it looks like a consequence of the latest Creation Kit update is to delete all of the Vanilla scripts (not expansion) from your Source folder...that is annoying.




All source files were removed from both the Data folder and from their .bsa from the most recent update.




Look in your root Data folder for a Scripts.rar

Edited by Arron Dominion
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Ok, so. I fixed this. . . For me at least.


Just recently started working on a new mod, timed perfectly for Beth to get creative and blow up the CK again. Noticed today that -nothing- papyrus could be generated after this lovely update. Then I looked here, saw this, remembered an old backup I made of -all- the old niller source documents for some silly reason, merged it in my existing source folder, shut off CK cloud via steam updating and bingo--script compilation working like it always did.


Now the concern is can I share the old source files for people with the same problem without getting into trouble.


In any event though, it's a fix :D

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Holy carps! There's a scripts archive file in Skyrim/Data folder. Was that always here?


Awesome news is that I can compile scripts again! Thanks!

Just adding ObjectReference.psc and the TESV_Papyrus_flags to my scripts/sources folder only brought me even more error messages, so I went ahead and put all 13000 (or so) source scripts from that archive into my Skyrim/scripts/source folder. Not sure I needed all 13k, or if I went overboard, but CK is behaving normally again, so I will commence with the Happy Snoopy Dance.

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I have the same problem Steam updated the CK today I've been trying to avoid it doing so but it did it anyway, not sure if I clicked the permissions tab or not...


@Arron Dominion: what .psc files are in your scripts.rar file? Mine just has -




which contains the single line -


Scriptname QF__0101C98F Extends Quest Hidden


Well done Bethesda for screwing up again!


EDIT: nevermind, all the scripts are in there afterall. Thanks AD.

Edited by soupdragon1234
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Yes, the recent update packaged all of the script source and dialogue view files into the Scripts.rar file in your data folder.


You just need to manually extract everything from that archive before you can use the dialogue views tab or compile scripts.


There are good technical reasons for the change, but it's a pain that the update didn't come with a warning or instructions.

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