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Should i really get tribunal?


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Should i really get tribunal? I was wondering because i am a huge morrowind fan after playing oblivion it just seemed... i dont know not good, so since then i havent played it. But i got back into morrowind and i was searching through my documents doing one of my "cleanouts" of it and i ran across a bunch of really great mods that require TRIBUNAL i was so mad even though I have bloodmoon i still cant play really great mods because they ethier require tribunal or tribunal and bloodmoon!! Most notable the Predator and Prey mod which i am dieing to play i cant stand it anymore but i want to know is tribunal worth my money? I think it would be just for the Predator mod at http://www.bear371.com/beanspan/ so my question remains should I? and by the way whats your opinion on that mod? Thanks
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The Tribunal expansion does not have a high level replayability factor but it is quite fun. Certainly it has a lot more going for it than the stupid Oblivion 'mods' you have to pay for. However it must be cheaper to get the game of the year edition now, usually on special offer, rather than buying just the one expansion even if you already have bloodmoon. Check out the prices. But I would say it is worth a modest outlay.


I don't know the mod you refer to but I have several Trib dependent that are fun.

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you know that is the thing, I played and bought Tribunal, and it took me forever to find out what was different, I didn't stick to it, the new armor was sweet tho. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
dude get tribunal, you'll regret it otherwise. Its just more Morrowind, and if you're been playing Morrowind for a long time, then a change of scene is really quite nice. Personally i felt that the quests were a bit more interesting in Tribunal, than BloodMoon (do u have BloodMoon?If not then it really is worth just buying the Game of the Year Edition of Morrowind). I mean not to be a spoiler or anything, more DarkBrotherHood, more fun sidequests and more challenges for higher level characters, you really can't afford to miss out. Go one get..go on... :rolleyes:
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