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Pale Pass Akaviri Citadel


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I see that quest has a fame requirement of 10 fame ... my guy just went to 7 fame as I've been trying to keep his fame down so the SM doesn't start the KotN quest (it'll start at 15 fame). Would like my guy to be level 20+ before KotN.

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Hey, guys!


I have my playing computer back!


So, I graciously and generously offer my Royal Abysmer persona to playtest the Citadel right now if Lupis gives me the download link (and the download link for any resources I would need).


Striker, I don't know if Ryan can hold grudges or not, but he started pickpocketing me long before we discovered that TARDIS mod.


About where to put the key to the CItadel...


Put an Akaviri dead warrior somewhere in Pale Pass, well hidden, with the key on it, and the Quest trigger on the key itself (so the quest will trigger when the player picks the key).


Or you could put an UNDEAD Akaviri warrior near the entrance (but not RIGHT in front of the entrance) and force the player to kill it to obtain the key.



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The link for the Citadel as well as its dependancies is in your pm Ike. Look for the spikes coming from a mountain in Pale Pass. Its on that mountain. No baddies yet


Edit: I forgot to rename the key from archers paradox. It should still work though


Edit 2: I started to place Baddies. took a skeleton hero, renamed the ID. made it stronger. placed it. killed it in game. he fell through the floor. what did I do wrong?

Edited by lupicatalum
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About the skeleton, did you gave it the height your threatened us with? This could have messed up its collision, I will try to do the same and see what happens.



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tried at first. just 1.5. when he fell through the first time, I made him normal and still a no go

Correction. Skeleton champion


Edit: It isnt just my creature. Its every creature. Everything killed falls through the floor. same with the Ayleid statues I used for light bases at the beginning of the mod

Edited by lupicatalum
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That's strange. I used this tileset before and never had this issue. I need to test it.


But I can't reach the entrance. Looks like you put it out of the map boundaries. Will use coc to the interior cell.


Wait a minute before doing anything funny, like putting on fire your computer or something.



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