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Pale Pass Akaviri Citadel


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Killed enemies go through the floor when in-game, but not when in the Construction Set.


Dropped objects from my inventory go through the floor in-game, but dropped objects react to the collision of the floor when in the Construction Set.


I admit that I never killed anything when I was using this tileset, but fallen objects did not went through the floor like this.


I'm puzzled. The tileset has working collision, the CS shows it, and the player would fall thorough the floor when jumping, but when something "inanimate" falls, down it goes.


I simply don't know what to say. I don't know what is happening here. This tileset has been used before on other mods, and this is the first time I hear about this issue.

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Im lost as well. I really just want to build my own tileset but have no clue how to. the only tutorial I have seen is a WIP and stops at the beginning of texturing. I dont know anything about uv maping or baking or anything about nifscope or id make my own tileset built specifically for this mod. there were so many ideas I had that I had to scrap simply because the tileset wouldnt allow it

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Silver pitchers taken from the DIning Hall do not fall through the floor. Ryan does not fall through the floor when killed in the Dining Hall (he did when killed in the Main Hall). Whatever is happening here, only happens in the Main Hall.


I will have a look on the Construction Set to see if there is any difference between the tiles.



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He doesn't know that was me. I used the console. While hiding behind a corner. Every time he resurrects (he's essential) he innocently smiles at me...




... perhaps too innocently. Gosh, I'm scared now.


What you say about tutorials stopping at texturing and whatnot is the same reason why I still don't know how to create my own tiles, not to mention the damned collision.


If I could figure why the Great Hall has this issue but not the rest of the citadel (at least not the Dining Hall and the Kitchen), we could fix it. My goodness, that was me who gave you this tileset. I liked it so much...


... and the work you've done here is amazing. Gosh, I don't know what to say.



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Im not upset at you. I like the set too. I know how to set up collision in blender. I just dont know how to bake textures to the visual mesh or import to nifscope, what to do in nifscope and how exactly to import to oblivion. Im gonna rebuild the great hall and see if that helps

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Hey, if all you need to know in order to build your own tilesets is texturing, that is something I can help you with. I know how to UV map, bake textures, set them in NifSkope and even edit the UV mapping on NifSkope.


But now I need to get some sleep. It's past 3 in the morning here.


I'm relieved that you aren't mad at me, but you will pardon me if I refuse to stop pointing this taser gun at you. Could you be so kind to not make any sudden movement? I can't take responsibility if you scare...


*1 new reply added. Show me*


*Ike panics and pulls the trigger, zapping Lupis*


Told you...



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Hmmm, if the issue is contained to the small tiles with the side pillars, there's a quick, not very elegant but effective, way to fix it:


placing a collision box underneath the floor, an invisible one I mean, the ones used to mark "untrespassable areas" in the game. I think, one could place just one collision box scaled enough to cover the whole surface that need proper collision. Rotated to lay flat and placed just below the surface of the floor, overlapping it.


That could, theoretically, save all your work and allow you to continue development and publish the mod.


And now I'm gonna to bed, My nerves are up the ceiling.





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