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Pale Pass Akaviri Citadel


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Your hierarchy tree is wrong. It needs to start with 0 NiNode -- SceneRoot. Where did that NiHeader came from?


Do you mean the rules IS NOT there, or rather it is there, but invisible (its icon and name appear if you place the cursor over the spot it should be)?




EDIT: I will NOT disregard anything and I will remember EVERYTHING.



"Striker? You wouldn't believe what Lupis just did right now..."

Edited by IkeCoast
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The ruler is just to teach texturing. I am going to be getting into other modeling aspects now.

How important are normal maps and how hard are they to make? The rulers normoal map is just a solid color with an alpha of 10. are all normal maps that simple?

Edited by lupicatalum
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My Goodness, normalmaps are VITAL for your object. Without a normalmap, the object will apperar pitch-black in game.


And no, not all normalmaps are so simple. Most of them are really elaborate.


Normalmaps serve for two purposes: one, give the object its reflective and refractive properties (that is, how light reacts when hitting the mesh), and two, give its surface a 3D appearance, with carvings, wrinkles, cavities, et al.


They are really easy to make. But you need the normalmap plugin for your image editor (Photoshop or GIMP). If you try to make the normalmap by hand (it's possible) you will spend the next four or five months with it.


I have a tutorial on how to create proper normalmaps for Oblivion, let me see my Favs...



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