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NCR Ranger armor for FO3


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After playing New Vegas and seeing how powerful the NCR have truly become, this would be in interestign item for FO3.


Using an alternate start mod it would be a lot of fun to play as an NCR Ranger scouting out the situation in the Captiol Wasteland and getting caught up in events. It would be interesting to start the game intending to see how best to 'deal' with the Brotherhood of Steel only to realise this branch is different, and would perhaps be a strong ally for the NCR, and then to be confronted by the Enclave. But it would only 'feel' right if you could put on the awesome Ranger armor. Now i know it's not allowed to 'port' things across from one game to the other, but one of the DLC mods worked so that you had to own the other game to use it. All it used was an .esp to 'pull' the mesh, texture, and stats from a copied .bsa file. Perhaps this would be a way of doing this?


Hope to hear some feedback.

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