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Another ideas topic.


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Okay. I have all the battle ideas I need, but just fighting for the sake of it would probably get boring, so I need good ideas for rewards for battles.




I'm looking for unusual ideas. Things that are unique and original- ie. no über weapons/armor.




Items that are at least somewhat useful would be good too.




Also, for the sake of keeping it a surprise for everyone else, please don't post your ideas here, but email them to me instead.




[email protected]




I say email because my pm box would fill up too quickly





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Okay. Some people aren't quite getting it, so I'll clarify a little.




Gems and gold are a given. As are the occasional piece of good armor/weapon. That stuff I can think of by myself easily. What I'm looking for from you guys is original ideas. Also you will be unlocking better, harder fights as you progress in a system that I've already designed, so don't suggest unlocking fights as prizes.




Thank you.

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Edit: Ehh, forgot you wanted people to e-mail you. Instead, why not just warn that this topic may be spoiler-y?




Because I want to keep things top secret. Until release, or at least shortly before it, the details and workings of the arena, and everything associated with it must remain secret. Would you get as much fun from a movie or book (or game) if you knew everything in advance?





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