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Your Favorite What If? Question.


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what if a Rubik's cube and duct tape and bacon combined together?

what if we gave a Chuck Norris Rubik's cube to Chuck Norris?

what if Mr.T and Chuck Norris and Ozzy Osbourne had a parts of their DNA put in to a special body?

what if the dictionary didn't say under redundant to see redundant?

what if we had no more what ifs?

what if we ran out of toilet paper?

what if I put more thought in to these?

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What If:



Ninjas stole all the RAM in the world? :ninja:

Electricity could be generated by chewing bubblegum?

Rich people were really aliens trying to take over the world through junk food?

All of the firearms in the world suddenly shot piranhas, instead of bullets?

The guy who made that funny Amnesia video was just messing with our heads?

The Statue of Liberty was made of Cheese?

The Tower of London was made of Chocolate?

Steam made your computer more powerful?

Quantum Physics made sense?

Edited by JohannesGunn
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Hmm.. Ok.


What if...

There was a switch that turned the whole of the internet off?

Light bulbs were actually creatures from another world?

A bench was built for every person that dies?

There was no gravity on earth?

Macs were cheaper than PCs?

Every time someone downloads pirated software, god kills a kitten? :pirate:

...fi tahW


.kO ..mmH

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What if Steam was good?

What if it didn't require the internet to install and play your games?

What if its offline mode was really an offline mode?


What if gaming went back to the days of CD-Keys and not having to put disks in to play?

What if there was none of this internet based DRM whatsoever?


I really am sick of DRM. Digital rights management? More like DRGR. Digital rights game renting.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Here is one worthy of the Philosoraptor itself:


What if Notch, creator of Minecraft, was given a billion dollars and all the technology required to fulfil his seemingly endless, supervillain esque ambitions for Minecraft, what monster would be unleashed if the sky suddenly was the limit for Notch?

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