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no mane


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For some reason all of my horses have lost their manes, for the life of me I can't figure out why. I have deleted any custom horse meshes so the game has to use the default ones still didn't help. Anyone else have this problem? or any ideas to fix this would be much appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How did you solve it? I have the same problem and haven't found any solution online. I noticed after installing convenient horses, but uninstalling it didn't fix it.


EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it.


It was indeed a textures issue. Requiem mod seems to install transparent mane textures in order to avoid horse armor clipping, so replacing them did the trick. I guess deleting them would have also solved it.

For anyone else having horses with missing manes, check your <skyrim folder>/data/textures/actors/horse/ folder, the files are horsemanetail.dds and horsemanetail02.dds.

Edited by rubenpaca
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