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Post Your Ideas For Quest Mods


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i was thinking y not remake fallout 1 and 2 or at least make vr simulations in newvegas that allow u to fight the same final bosses as the vault dweller and chosen one the textures are the only possible issue as the master looks kinda weird and misshapen frank horrigan should be alil easier to make with his trade mark plasma caster the sounds taken from those games should make it possible to at least replicate small amount of major events in those games like the Navarro base Sergent arch dorman (lol) speaking to the president etc if remaking the whole game would prove too big of a task
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i was thinking y not remake fallout 1 and 2 or at least make vr simulations in newvegas that allow u to fight the same final bosses as the vault dweller and chosen one the textures are the only possible issue as the master looks kinda weird and misshapen frank horrigan should be alil easier to make with his trade mark plasma caster the sounds taken from those games should make it possible to at least replicate small amount of major events in those games like the Navarro base Sergent arch dorman (lol) speaking to the president etc if remaking the whole game would prove too big of a task


Thats already in progress in several mods, most promineintly in Fallout 2161 on moddb.com and Project California here on Nexus

Edited by simplywayne90
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u hear a lot bout the BOS and NCR war what if the BOS won? what if Caesars legion took hoover dam and joshua graham ended up crowned the new Caesar (due to caesar dying from a tumor)? what if Navarro enclave won againest the ncr due to the legion fighting sooner? what if mr house DID get the platinum chip before the bombs fell? since these would all be alternate fallout story lines they would be some what canon as long as the dont contracdict anything that happened before fallout 1 and 2 a source code style simulation pod would act as a good explanation for how the player becomes involved in all this living the life of a solider in Navarro during that fateful day where the NCR lead their campaign and after achieving victory returning to this timeline and the battle for helios one being a paladin trying to get the components to get Archimedes working u know stuff like that
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----------------------------------------------------- Flight of the Valkyries-----------------------------------------------


When I first made my way to the Boomer Base, I was in awe, hearing about a group of mysterious people who have so many weapons it isn't funny, it was to be my Garden Of Eden.


So after leaving a wounded Boone,Arcade and Rex in the middle of the Artillery age (nah they'l be fine), I made my way to the base, soon enough I was in.


What was the highlight for me was seeing those VR pods in the Boomer Hangars and thought 'Gee wouldn't it be awesome to try out their VR pod?


yeah dream broke.


but anyway this is the basis of my quest mod


It could involve three different situations


- Catalina crash



- Fend off Japanese forces seeking to kill you and your crew as the battle of Midway is raging.


- Mekong Raid


- Join the US Rangers on a mission to clear out a Chinese Bunker


- Anchorage Beach


- Defend Anchorage Beach from the Reds



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i think archive sims would make more sense a segment of 2 of the most important events in fallout the battle between the master and the vault dweller and frank horrign and the chosen one alternate time line sims/quest mods would be pretty interesting as fallout history had multiple endings before, anchorage is a area of Alaska what bout some kind of maze simulation that would be pretty cool im suprised none of these ideas came when fo3 was popular frankly speaking
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I'm trying to start a mod with sagitarius, the guy who made project ultimatum. Basically, its the continuation of the legion story after the main quest using the main quest after mod or something. So you've taken new vegas and hoover dam, but there's still NCR there. you do quests to push out the NCR, and Legate Lanius is killed, and you've already moved up to praetorian in the legion. You fight in a duel against Lucius(this mod is where you saved Caesar.) to become the new Legate. You win and become the head of the legion's military. But then, either Caesar is murdered by you and conspirators, or his cancer comes back, and he dies. You become the new Caesar. Then you push out the NCR and yadda yadda yadda. I already have a Legion-occupied New Vegas mod on my computer I made, and I'll probably be releasing it soon. But, if anyone from MZC is reading this, I did post in TSC and nv integration a while back with a very long quest mod.
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With the release of Honest Hearts I'd like to see some new quest ideas everyone.



oooo, yes! After completing HH I thought, wow, the Zion environment is absolutely ripe for some of the uber-imaginations residing here on Nexus to come up with some awesome quests and adventures.

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  • 2 months later...
despite in game statements from mr house and yes man the mk 1 securitrons have 9mm sub machine guns and grenade launchers and the mk 2 have missle launchers and Gatling lasers when it reality we all know the mk 1 should have 9mm and laser and the mk 2 should have grenade and missile and probably the regen or "auto repair system" should be fixed to appear like a major improvement against even a tougher courier also some securitrons outside the strip have dt of 0 that should also be fixed
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