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TES V requests/wishlist


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I'd love to see different styles of the same armour if you understand what i mean. Like not just the same looking iron set, but two or three, even if their is just a unisex that both sexes can ustlise. I you think about it, it is funny how a marauder could be wearing the exact some cuirass as my character.
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Just thought of this outta the blue while geekin out about ESV. (we've all been waiting so long)

What if instead of the boring and underused corrode armor/weapon spell you could light the enemies weapon or shield on fire depending on flammability and magical properties. They would then be forced to drop the item or use some sort of counter spell. not only could this work with fire but imagine you spy an archer knocking an arrow and aiming a fatal shot to your heart when you extend your hand and cause the arrow and bow to be frozen solid and rendered useless. (for a period of time)

Cool? yes or yes? ;) again this could be implemented with electricity too creating a balancing effect EX: lightning effective on metalic weapons/shields, fire effective on wooden shields, ice effective on...haven't really thought about that one yet.

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What? That would be awful. The Source engine is a generation behind everything else. Personally I think TES V should be on the ID Tech 5 engine. Bethesta has even published some of ID's games! It was made for big open environments, there's some pretty impressive technology behind it.

Just thought you should know, Id Tech 5 is for small enviornments, not big open worlds like TES.

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1. Dual Wielding, complete with two button action. (see Unnecessary Violence for good examples)

2. 10 x better stealth game (thievery, assassins skills, sneak attacks, etc, etc). And yes, go all out like the Thief Series

-Tying in with this. Let's see some of the things I tried to accomplish in Stealth Wars: Some thieves and assassins sneaking up on you.

3. Dragons, yes dragons. I don't care if it's lore breaking. You can't have fantasy without classic giants like a dragon. So what if they died out. Make some dracoliches or something. Have some dormant sleepers that hibernated under the earth for centuries. Make something up. That's the beauty of fantasy. It's easy to tie things in with lore.

4. A good companion system (monstrous pets, friends, lovers, a nagging wife, all the above, etc.)

5. Flaming/glowing/particles for enchantments! If I got a fire enchanted sword, I wanna see flames on it dang it!

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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Somewhere I posted my thoughts of how the next tes should go, but I think it needs repetition. First I start with this statement.


Imagine this: Morrowind lore and quests and also the variety with oblivion style graphics and actions.

Now of course improvements are a must but that is what I could work with after oblivion.


1. Variety of everything like in MW - smoother me!!!

2. Lore that goes together with other games and book

3. Large map w/ no fast travel - that is what horses are for

4. As said by others, something other than a prisoner start, not birth either - maybe a recovering warrior like in rehab

5. Lots and lots of dragons and demon men


7. More weapons like in MW


I am basically saying bring Morrowind back in some way!

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Some of these requests scare me a little. I'm not singling anyone out here, but I for one, would NOT like every little detail to be just like Morrowind. All we really need when you get down to it is more weapons (yes, THAT much is like Morrowind), a better systems for magic, combat, and stealth, and some skill synergies. All this talk about decapitation and nudity and bringing medium armor back for no reason other than that it was in Morrowind would make the game a lot more hokey and stupid. TES is not a game based on instant gratification. I don't think extreme gore and nudity are really their style, nor SHOULD be their style.
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i want to see some characters from Oblivion. i really want Maiq to come to skyrim. hes awesome.


haha i'm with you on that, after all Maiq knows much! We may even be able to recrute the fast B45T4RD lol

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What's all this talk about Morrowind?


I have been playing the Elder Scrolls since 1996 (Daggerfall) but I do not understand this "Morrowind nostalgia". Of course Morrowind was a very nice game but what makes it so good? What makes it better than Daggerfall? What makes it better than Oblivion? Skyrim will be fine and it will have it's own flavor. It's crazy how an intermediating TES game is an all-time favorite for some. I guess I am a victim of the generation gap! (I am 31 only though! :) )

Edited by melkormgc
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