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Console commands bug???


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i used that command other times ago and it worked normally...not it doesnt work....the only thing i've done today is having added a new mod...a normal armor mod...yes i've tried different IDs but nothing...the line that follows my command is:

Script 'SysWindowComplileAndRun', line 1:

Item ... not found for parameter Object ID.

Compliled script not saved!




what should i try?

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what ID have you typed as the item ID??

because when you try to get an item from a mod, the two first letters are the plugins' place in your load order (the main game esm is in place 00)


if you have FOMM, check the position of the mod you added


this should fix the problem


also, if you look at the line, it says that the ID is wrong

so make sure you typed in the correct ID

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man i'm not a rookie -.- ... i've already discovered something strange: i've thrown an item down just to look at it and read its ID....i noticed that its ID is different from the one i see if i check it's name on the tesnip...am i clear? I'm about to think that all items ids have changed in some way....what should i do?
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sorry if it sounded like i assumed you were a rookie

it's always best to suggest the "dumb advice" and hope it helps


and you should know that the ID you see in the game, isn't the ID of the item in the GECK


as far as i know, the ID in the GECK is the general ID of the item, while the ID you see in game, is the ID for the specific instance of that item (meaning that two vermint rifles would have different IDs in the game, but still share the same ID in the GECK)


so again, check that the ID you inputed was correct


which mods have you downloaded, and which item have you tried to obtain??

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So i got some news: the mod i've added is the Spawn armor and weps from the Nexus downloads section... the news is, that the additem function has returned to work as it did before....a new problem as arised nevertheless! When i'm wearing Spawn stuff, the game crashes in 5-7 secs...what coule be the problem?
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well, i'm glad you were able to get the command to work properly (i guess you didn't change anything, and it just solved itself??)


unfortunately, i have no answer for your new problem

i have not used the mod, nor am i planning to do so (really not my style)


are you sure that you have installed the mod properly, and it is all working as it should??


and maybe all you need is a master update, to solve that problem (this time i will assume that you know what a master update is, and hope i am not mistaken again :thumbsup:)

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