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the legion hate me!!


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i'm on main quest "the house always wins I and II " and i'm at the legion camp at cottonwood cove. i don't have the platinum chip cos benny got away. i have aligned myself with the NCR (idolized).

i have been mainly doing all the side quests. but i can't get any further cos the legion hate me from previous quests and there are so many legion to kill it's practically impossible to get any further.

i have no idea where the chip is, can't speak to legion, they just wan't me dead!

i can't find a solution and i don't want to start again cos i've put in around 60 hours game time, mainly doing all side quests.

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You can take out a lot of the self-styled legion at Cottonwood by getting high up on the hillside overlooking the cove and sniping them one by one. (Hint: if you need it there is a Gobi sniper rifle nearby).


In fact the legion AI is so poor that I have shot my way into the camp - bodies all over the place, and of course lots of bangs - and found one explorer lying sleeping in a tent. ( He woke up with no head.).

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i have been mainly doing all the side quests.


Do more

but i can't get any further cos the legion hate me from previous quests and there are so many legion to kill it's practically impossible to get any further.


Your problem is that You Are Weak.


Go off and do a training montage. Lift weights, smash rocks, meditate, whatever. Come back More Powerful Than They Can Possibly Imagine, and then destroy them.


You can take out a centurion with a single headshot from a sniper rifle if you have high enough guns skill.


To help us better assist you:

1. What level are you?

2. What is your combat specialty

3. What weapon(s) are you attempting to use to fight the legion.


I have over 100 hours in new vegas so far, and if there's anything I've learned, it's that there's no problem which can't be solved with the application of enough force. Maybe you just need some fancier weapons. Since you're aligned with the NCR I doubt you much care about having a pleasant chat with the legion, so you should kill them. Kill Them All.


If you REALLY REALLY want to be boring and lame, you could try using some tactics, like sneaking around and picking them off, or using legion armour as a disguise. But those seem pretty lame compared to just taking them all head on and destroying them :D

Edited by WarKirby3333
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If the legion at the cove are that dangerous after completing that many sidequests and levels, you really need to revise your strategies. Boone alone can effectively clear out the camp by himself just about, and as soon as I've hit 75 guns and have my sniper rifle in tow there's no challenge at all. Perks and levels are more supplemental. One of the biggest discrepancies between difficulty is equipment, and depending on your playstyle you need to dress appropriately. Melee can work just as effectively since the higher end weapons can break past the Damage Threshold all the same.
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you should have been approached by a legion guy on the strip after talking to yes man who tells you to meet with ceaser and gives you his "mark", telling you all transgressions are forgiven and giving you free passage from conttonwood cove.

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My personal strategy is always to just wait until about 1 or 2 AM with a stealth boy from a distance, then sneak my way into the small supply building where the one legion guy sleeps.


I kill him, take his armor and put it on (for when my cloak runs out) then continue sneaking around and murderizing the s*** out of the guys sleeping in the tents. I usually go after the Centurion guy next to last, since killing him usually alerts the others for some reason, even if you kill him in one hit whilst totally hidden. Finally there are always those few guys who always walk around regardless. My strategy there is to hide in a dark corner and wait for them to walk by. Works great. That's just me though :thumbsup:

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