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(Request) Silver Inlay


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I was thinking it would be cool if you could add silver inlay to your weapons (and possibly armor). This would do nothing visually (I know that would require a TON of work) but would add the silver damage effect to any weapon, preferably at a lesser value.


Why would I want this? I play with immersion in mind. I dont like high carry weights and rely on backpacks, bandoliers and my horses inventory (150 cw) to lug supplies around. Lugging around an extra weapon that is only used in specific situations is not always feasible especially when I'm trying to look for items to bring back and sell.


Being able to inlay a main weapon with silver would eliminate the need for that additional weapon (silver sword). The way I would imagine this being done is have a new merchant in Markarth, who was originally a silversmith but is now looking to make his talents better used in silver inlaying weapons (armors).


The process would cost money to do based on the material of the weapon (armor). The better the material the higher the price.


With armor if you're attacked by an undead (if unarmed) they will be dealt damage every time they land a hit. If they are wielding a weapon there should be a low chance or if you run into them. If you inlay your gauntlet, bracers, gloves and start punching them you will do extra damage.


This is just an idea I've been kicking around for a while and would like to see it in Skyrim in some form.

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