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Cyrodiil Parcel Service


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I'm rich...I own half of Cyrodiil. So why do I have to run to the local stores tobdo my own shopping? Let them come to me! I have two ways this could work:


- either add a little box outside eash buyable house with a "catalogue" allowing you to specify which store you are browsing and "buy" the goods by selecting type, quantity, and having the gold (plus a small percentage) removed from your inventory. 24 hours later, all the requested items appear in the box...or...


- have a "summon personal shopper" spell that causes said npc to appear and speak to you. After a similar catalogue system, he runs off and 24 hours later appears on horseback to give you your requested goods (with the right to refuse anything you change your mind about).


Thoughts? Been done already?

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