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KimchiBokkeumBap Requests Thread


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I'd like a mod that allows you to desecrate Daedric statues across Skyrim, upon which a Daedric champion will be spawned within Skyrim wearing an unique Daedric themed armor such as this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58062/?


Upon being spawned, the Daedric champion will hunt the Dragonborn just like the assassins from the Dark Brotherhood will hunt you.


There are various levels of offense, the higher the offense the more powerful the Daedric champion will be.


As a placeholder, one could just allow to activate E with the action name being desecrate on every Daedric statues in Skyrim, and the number of time the player activate E will change the power level of the Daedric champion.


Seems like a fairly easy mod to make. The problem would be to get the permissions to use the Daedric themed armors and make new ones for the other Daedric princes.


I'd like to see a mod that adds Treasure Goblins like in D2. The mod adds treasure goblins that carry a bag of treasures and start fleeing after detecting the player. It starts running and you have to kill the goblin before a certain time; otherwise the goblin will hop into a portal and disappear.


I'd like a mod that allows the portal to the Soul Cairn to be reconfigured to lead to other Oblivion Realm. You could meet a new NPC who is also a vampire and who knows how to reconfigure the Soul Cairn portal.


I'd like to see a mod that adds rituals into the game. The rituals would take place in various places and you would see strange lights from afar or signs in the sky whenever a ritual would take place prompting you to explore the affected dungeon. The ritual will often be carried by mages in order to revive some vampire or monster.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'd like a mod that allows you to desecrate Daedric statues across Skyrim, upon which a Daedric champion will be spawned within Skyrim wearing an unique Daedric themed armor such as this one: http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/58062/?

it's do able... except for the lack of Daedric statues in Skyrim... they're really not all that many in game. also to create a bunch of unique armors for them would be tedious. which goes to the next point:



Seems like a fairly easy mod to make. The problem would be to get the permissions to use the Daedric themed armors and make new ones for the other Daedric princes.

they're champions not princes by the way, noticed your mistake there. yeah getting permission will be hard, but if it can be acquired will make this mod a thousand times easier.




I'd like a mod that allows the portal to the Soul Cairn to be reconfigured to lead to other Oblivion Realm. You could meet a new NPC who is also a vampire and who knows how to reconfigure the Soul Cairn portal.

why are they a vampire? that's a bit odd... all well no big. this will not be possible in a time based way, world spaces take ages to make.

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I noticed that the next competition is about bosses. I thought a mod that creates Daedric champions that appears during random events and attack the Dragonborn just like the assassins from the Dark Brotherhood would be cool. Assuming someone would be able to make the Daedric-themed armors or make entirely new ones. It would also be awesome if someone also added some voice-acting, but that may be too much to ask.


The events could be entirely random, or depend on a certain condition such as preventing a ritual from being carried out, or breaking some artifact inside a house occupied by a mage or something like that.

Edited by KimchiBokkeumBap
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