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just a quick question


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you need to write a script with a do once command, that adds the book

not 100% sure how this script should be, i can't think of a working begin block for this, other than gamemode

it should be a rather simple script to write


if you want, i can try to write it for you

or you could just look at one of the plenty of mods that have such a script (Quest Award Leveler is an excellent mod, and if i recall correctly, uses just such a script)



ok after looking at the mod i recommended you, it seems as if the script it has isn't really how you want it

i'll try to find a better script in another one of the mods that i have

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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if you want to add it to the player inventory, then yes, it is the only way to go


you can always just put it in a specific cell in the game (like one of the interiors, shops or such) which might be easier


but as far as i know, the script can be really simple

i can try and write it for you, but you will have to test it, to see if it works

would you like it??

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if you want to add it to the player inventory, then yes, it is the only way to go


you can always just put it in a specific cell in the game (like one of the interiors, shops or such) which might be easier


but as far as i know, the script can be really simple

i can try and write it for you, but you will have to test it, to see if it works

would you like it??

sure. if anything, i can put it in if placement annoys me too much. i usually just place. would this script work for any item?

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I know how this is done...i will write it if wastelandassassin is not sure how its done.


you are more than welcome to do it for me (i'm not sure if a quest is needed, because in all the scripts that i have seen, and i looked at several of them, they all include a quest)


if you could post the code snip here, this would really help :)

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Yes you need to make a quest for this to work....that's very simple to do. Look at the top of the CS and hit the large Q button, in the box that opens on the far left hand side were it says Editor & priority, right click in there and select new, give it a name in the box that then opens ( say call it aaaAddBook ) and click ok.


now give your quest a name if you wish ( not important )...priority set to 75 and make sure Syart Game Enabled is ticked. That's the quest done now the script.


Click on the pencil next to the speech bubble at the top and click on script, select new and in the script type box select quest. Then write this in there.....i will call your book aaaSpellBook


scn aaaBookScript


short once


begin gamemode


if once == 0

player.additem aaaSpellBook 1

set once to 1






And now just add this script to your quest and save the plugin, then activate it in OBMM and your done.

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