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Blocking is automatic. I'm not sure how the magnitude of your Block skill translates in the game's mechanics, but it's safe to say that more is better. I generally buy myself an enchanted Daedric Tower Shield with +45 to Block, which I unfailingly name "Ward of Abernanit".


Be warned that just because you have a weapon doesn't mean you'll actually *hit* anything. Additionally, Morrowind is home to adventurer-seeking missles, also known as cliffracers.

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As I said before, MW is not an instant access game. Avoid combat at all until you can get a decent weapon. Even those blasted kwama grubs will have your toes off! The boxes in the Balmora backstreets contain random stuff that with luck could include a magic sword or something.


Stick at it, and you'll see that there is nothing quite so satisfying as levelling up, and finding that finally your foes begin to fall beneath your blade!


Blocking, as Abramul says, is automatic and therefore you have no real control over when block skill goes up. As long as you have the shield equipped and a one-handed weapon, your char will block blows now and again, thus increasing block skill bit by bit. Of course, the coolest swords are 2-handed...! :D

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Blocking, as Abramul says, is automatic and therefore you have no real control over when block skill goes up. As long as you have the shield equipped and a one-handed weapon, your char will block blows now and again, thus increasing block skill bit by bit.


Unless you use the Blocking Enhanced mod. I think all the Morrowind Enhanced mods are worth downloading (Combat, Blocking, Writing and Journal enhanced)

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Getting used to things and encountered my first cliffracer by surprise...it went down easily. I will grab things then ;)


Looking for those stupid mushrooms now...


Also is there any mod that won't make your fatigue drain when you run?

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